i18n@... wrote:
> Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> > Solutions are generally offered for the purpose of being helpful, not
> > for the purpose of showing off.
> Wow - mean spritedness, and the inability to accept help that was
> requested.

You prefaced your increasingly baroque suggestions with a remark along
the lines of "These are probably too complicated, but ...."

> Generally people say thank you when receiving help. Even if

Of course. If it was helpful. Do you suppose the New Orleanians are
going to say thank you to Mike Brown?

> it is not going to be the solution they choose, they say "Thank you" and
> move on. Read the final paragraph below for an example of how that is
> done :)
> Don't use my ideas, I don't care, others who have had similar problems
> to yours may find the broader range of solutions helpful at some point.
> Thank you for your comments regarding copyediting.

No problem!
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...