i18n@... wrote:

> Still, not everyone is familiar with the term "client-server" regardless
> of experience. If you are interested in the history of the term, (a fair
> question). there are better sources then here to find that answer.

Have you really no concept of courtesy? If you know the answer, then
give it. If you don't, don't lecture.

Just as when off-topic questions like possessive markers come up, and I
know the answer, I provide it and don't lecture.

> I really do suggest becoming familiar with a search engine as a research
> tool - you will find that for some classes of questions, it is
> absolutely the way to go. Everyone learns what those classes are
> according to his or her own needs (and evolving material available to be
> indexed) so I can't quantify my recommendation more (although I would
> like to). Go ahead and give it a try - www.google.com is a great place
> to start. It should work with any browser you can throw at it AFAIK.

I found google useful for, for instance, finding pictures of Loos's
Villa Müller, or where to buy a book-light.

It is not a lexicon.

Your condescension becomes appalling.
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...