Peter T. Daniels wrote:

> > > The closest we have to real angle brackets in standard
> > > fonts is single-guillemets.
> >
> > Not sure why you consider one closer then the other. I understand why
> > neither *is* an angle bracket, but I don't understand why the desire to
> > avoid overloading (which is reasonable) makes one character arbitrarily
> > "closer" then another. Can you elaborate on what the metric is you are
> > referring to when you say "closer"?
> Oxford had a font in which the angle bracket angle was 90 deg., which is
> acceptable but not really good enough. An angle bracket should be
> shallow, so that it doesn't take up more space than the other brackets
> do.

So you are referring to the glyphs in particular fonts as opposed to the
abstract characters themselves?



> --
> Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...
> - world's writing systems.
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