--- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, Andrew Cunningham <andj_c@...> wrote:
> --- suzmccarth <suzmccarth@...> wrote:
> > Great to know all this up front. Whew!
> >
> > Tamil has lots of other encoding sets too, and I
> > have the fonts for
> > some but I just decided I would only search Unicode
> > pages.
> Sometime this year there are plans to inplement
> federated searching here across multiple databases and
> catalogues. If this happens, I might use the portal to
> experiment with transcoding a google search into a set
> of searches using differnet encodings or input
> conventions, transcode the results then aggregate the
> results.
> Assuming my managers are willing to allow me to spend
> so much time playing.

Very nice. Hope they do.

> Andrew
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