On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 14:51:16 -0500, John Cowan <cowan@...> wrote:
>> Neither "clsn" nor "lingweenie" are known to me; sorry not to be reading
>> more!
> Sorry, "clsn" is a spelling of "Shoulson", and "lingweenie" means, well,
> language dweeb/anorak, as well as being a gratuitous pun on "linguini".

Gosh, John, surely we're not doing a gentle [ad hominem] attack, by any
chance, I hope.

Assuming and hoping it's good-natured fun,

Nicholas Bodley /*|*\ Waltham, Mass.
The curious hermit -- autodidact and polymath
Libranet GNU/Linux: No bit rot!
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