On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 01:05:56 -0400, John Cowan <cowan@...> wrote:

> Googling shows that "Waverly" has about 1.2 million hits, "Waverley"
> about a third that many. The Great Unknown (who later proved to be
> Walter Scott) wrote the Waverly, not the Waverley, novels, and I think
> it's fair to say that the former spelling is the normal one in English
> and the latter anomalous.

Indeed, it seems to be so. The Waverly Consort was one of the first
early-music performing groups in NYC after WW II.

> Or "haplogy", to be self-referential about it. To which we may add
> apfrication, devoicink, diphthoungization, dithsimilation, epentthesis,
> ftapped /r/, gemminnattion, glo?alization, haspiration, metasethis,
> pyalatalization, voizing, rhotarirm, and vowol harmono.

Very clever, and (provided one has a clue (I almost do)), about as
concisely self-referential and educational as one could possibly get.

Nicholas Bodley /*|*\ Waltham, Mass.
Nota bene; has a self-referential nickname
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