I looks like Pinyin version 3 but still has a few bugs. Like Pinyin
it is only a choice - anyone who can keyboard in Tamil fluently
already would not switch, it is one of a choice like Wubi, CanJie,
and Pinyin et al. for Chinese.

The syllable dialog box opens when you choose 'on the fly help'.. I
don't really like all the key assignments but am not sure how they
were decided. The concept is great hmmm... However, unlike Pinyin
you cannot select syllables because they are not encoded - you have
to type them in and sometimes they fall apart or the spacing is so
absurd you don't really know where you are on the line. This is a
very interesting problem and real life not just something I dreamed

I was jolted by the similarity that this program had to my
visualization - but, of course, it doesn't work as if you really had
syllables on the coding level - it is a sort of illusion. I don't
know yet how to describe this problem. I need to work with this for
a while and become a fluent typist in Tamil and dialog with others
about the use of this program with children.

Suzanne McCarthy