Michael Everson wrote:
> At 09:11 -0400 2003-09-16, Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> > > Maybe not in the manuscripts, but on the Mac OS anyway a
> Kufi font is
> > > distributed which has dots.
> >
> >That's new since I got my WorldScript I.
> In OS X it's called "KufiStandardGK". In OS 9 it's called "Kufi" and
> was desiogned by Diwan Software Ltd.
> >What could it possibly be used for? Something aking to Olde
> Englishhe?
> It's a font style. It can be used for display advertising, headlines,
> book titles, and so on. I would not expect it to be used for body
> text though.

In a Saudi Arabian book that I have at home, the foreword is typeset in
Kufic. The author of the foreword was some member of the royal house, or
king Fahd himself.

But that was the only example of a long text in Kufic I ever saw in modern

_ Marco