Earlier messages
1300Nicholas Bodley2003-03-03Line breaks in [CJK]?
1301Marco Cimarosti2003-03-03Re: Line breaks in [CJK]?
1302Thomas Chan2003-03-03Re: How is "Hyundai" pronounced? (with an answer)
1303Thomas Chan2003-03-03Re: Homophone (Was: Re: RE: RE: different letters, etc.)
1304John Cowan2003-03-03What makes an abjad?
1305Michael Everson2003-03-03Re: What makes an abjad?
1306John Cowan2003-03-03Re: What makes an abjad?
1307Roozbeh Pournader2003-03-03Re: Homophone (Was: Re: RE: RE: different letters, etc.)
1308Peter T. Daniels2003-03-03Re: Homophone (Was: Re: RE: RE: different letters, etc.)
1309Victor Caston2003-03-03Re: Homophone (Was: Re: RE: RE: different letters, etc.)
1310Peter T. Daniels2003-03-03Re: What makes an abjad?
1311Peter T. Daniels2003-03-03Re: What makes an abjad?
1312Lars Marius Garshol2003-03-03Re: What makes an abjad?
1313Phillip Driscoll2003-03-04Re: different letters, same sound, is a...?
1314Nicholas Bodley2003-03-04Re: Homophone
1315Nicholas Bodley2003-03-04Persistence of written word separators in English
1316Tex Texin2003-03-04Re: different letters, same sound, is a...?
1317Marco Cimarosti2003-03-04Re: different letters, same sound, is a...?
1318Nicholas Bodley2003-03-04Re: Line breaks in [CJK]?
1319Nicholas Bodley2003-03-04Chinese RtoL? (Was: Re: RE: Line breaks in [CJK]?)
1320John Cowan2003-03-04Re: Chinese RtoL? (Was: Re: RE: Line breaks in [CJK]?)
1321Peter T. Daniels2003-03-04Re: Chinese RtoL? (Was: Re: RE: Line breaks in [CJK]?)
1322Nicholas Bodley2003-03-04Re: How is "Hyundai" pronounced? (with an answer)
1323Nicholas Bodley2003-03-04Re: Homophone (Was: Re: RE: RE: different letters, etc.)
1324Nicholas Bodley2003-03-04Re: Homophone (Was: Re: RE: RE: different letters, etc.)
1325Nicholas Bodley2003-03-04Re: Chinese RtoL? (Was: Re: RE: Line breaks in [CJK]?)
1326Thomas Chan2003-03-04Re: Chinese RtoL? (Was: Re: RE: Line breaks in [CJK]?)
1327John Cowan2003-03-04Re: Chinese RtoL? (Was: Re: RE: Line breaks in [CJK]?)
1328Marco Cimarosti2003-03-04Re: Chinese RtoL? (Was: Re: RE: Line breaks in [CJK]?)
1329Roozbeh Pournader2003-03-04Re: Homophone (Was: Re: RE: RE: different letters, etc.)
1330Young-Key Kim-Renaud2003-03-06FWD: Question about Japanese characters in Korean lang.
1331Young-Key Kim-Renaud2003-03-06Subscription requested
1332i18n2003-03-06Re: Homophone (Was: Re: RE: RE: different letters, etc.)
1333Linda2003-03-06Re: Chinese RtoL?
1334Nicholas Bodley2003-03-06Currency symbol placement (Was: Re: Homophone)
1335Nicholas Bodley2003-03-06Percent prefix (Was: Re: Homophone)
1336Nicholas Bodley2003-03-06Chinese numerals (Was: Re: Chinese RtoL?)
1337Nicholas Bodley2003-03-06Circles/ovals in CJK?
1338John H. Jenkins2003-03-06Re: Circles/ovals in CJK?
1339i18n2003-03-06Re: Percent prefix (Was: Re: Homophone)
1340Thomas Chan2003-03-07Re: Circles/ovals in CJK?
1341Linda2003-03-08Re: Chinese Characters
1342Nicholas Bodley2003-03-08Is modern Vietnamese adaptable to represent tonal languages?
1343Peter T. Daniels2003-03-08Re: Chinese Characters
1344Peter T. Daniels2003-03-08Re: Is modern Vietnamese adaptable to represent tonal languages?
1345John Cowan2003-03-08Re: Is modern Vietnamese adaptable to represent tonal languages?
1346Peter T. Daniels2003-03-08Re: Is modern Vietnamese adaptable to represent tonal languages?
1347Thomas Chan2003-03-08Re: Is modern Vietnamese adaptable to represent tonal languages?
1348John Cowan2003-03-08Re: Is modern Vietnamese adaptable to represent tonal languages?
1349John Cowan2003-03-09Re: Is modern Vietnamese adaptable to represent tonal languages?
1350Linda2003-03-10Re: Chinese Characters
1351John Hudson2003-03-10Call for papers: ATypI 2003, Vancouver
1352Peter T. Daniels2003-03-10Re: Chinese Characters
1353BOUALEM Malek FTRD/DMI/LAN2003-03-24CFP - Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Multilingualism
1354nibrosmage2003-03-24Percent prefix (Was: Re: Homophone)
1355David2003-03-25Greek/Cyrillic alphabets
1356Marco Cimarosti2003-03-27Re: Greek/Cyrillic alphabets
1357Nicholas Bodley2003-03-28Fwd: Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1358Marco Cimarosti2003-03-28Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1359John Cowan2003-03-28Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1360Nicholas Bodley2003-03-29Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1361Marco Cimarosti2003-03-31Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1362timpart@...2003-03-31Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1363Nicholas Bodley2003-04-01Rosetta encoding
1364Richard Ishida2003-04-01Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1365John Cowan2003-04-01Re: Rosetta encoding
1366Lars Marius Garshol2003-04-01Re: Rosetta encoding
1367John Cowan2003-04-01Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1368Richard Ishida2003-04-01Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1369John Hudson2003-04-01Re: Rosetta encoding
1370Marco Cimarosti2003-04-01Re: Rosetta encoding
1371John Cowan2003-04-01Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1372Peter_Constable@...2003-04-02[OT] screenshots (was Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1373Peter_Constable@...2003-04-02letters with palatal hook
1374John Hudson2003-04-02Re: letters with palatal hook
1375Peter_Constable@...2003-04-02Re: letters with palatal hook
1376Peter T. Daniels2003-04-02Re: [OT] screenshots (was Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1377Peter T. Daniels2003-04-02Re: letters with palatal hook
1378Peter_Constable@...2003-04-02Re: letters with palatal hook
1379Peter_Constable@...2003-04-02Re: letters with palatal hook
1380Don Osborn2003-04-03A12n gateway
1381Nicholas Bodley2003-04-03Re: Rosetta encoding
1382Nicholas Bodley2003-04-03Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator
1383Nicholas Bodley2003-04-03Re: Rosetta encoding // VN rendering
1384Nicholas Bodley2003-04-03Re: [CALCLIST-L] Decimal separator // IrfanView
1385Peter_Constable@...2003-04-03Re: letters with palatal hook
1386Marco Cimarosti2003-04-03[OT] How do you say "PEACE"?
1387Nicholas Bodley2003-04-03URL for Chanson de Roland
1388John Cowan2003-04-03Re: URL for Chanson de Roland
1389Nicholas Bodley2003-04-03woops...
1390Nicholas Bodley2003-04-03Re: URL for Chanson de Roland
1391John Cowan2003-04-03Re: URL for Chanson de Roland
1392Don Osborn2003-04-05Re: African languages in Arabic script?
1393Don Osborn2003-04-06Capital hooked-Y glyph variants
1394David Starner2003-04-07Re: Rosetta encoding
1395Nicholas Bodley2003-04-09Re: Rosetta encoding
1396Stephen Chrisomalis2003-04-09Rongorongo (Fischer)
1397Peter T. Daniels2003-04-09Re: Rongorongo (Fischer)
1398Michael Everson2003-04-09Re: Rongorongo (Fischer)
1399Michael Everson2003-04-09Re: Rongorongo (Fischer)
Later messages