This is an archive of the Ancient scripts folder of the links of the Yahoo! qalam group.

Archived Links

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����ECD - Egiptologia Cient����fica y Divulgativa����
����Scientific and Spreading Egyptology����: Designed for the Wide Public by egyptologists. Web page devoted to the diffusion of the egyptologic ideas from scientific perspective. Herein you can find all kind of egyptologic services, information, searching and teaching (in spanish language).
agustin_barahona 27 October 2005
(URI now unrelated)
Online Egyptian Hieroglyphs Courses
nicolebhansen17 April 2005
Phaistos Disk decipherment update
Many sources on the Phaistos disk, including dozens discrepant decipherments (!)
Marco.Cimarosti@...31 August 2000
A directory and guide to Egyptian Hieroglyphs on the web
seshat@...30 August 2000

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