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At a LearningThai forum ( ) we are discussing how to transliterate 'Adam Mickiewicz' from Polish to Thai.  We are handicapped by the fact that the original poster is the only native Polish speaker.  The transliteration of 'Adam' was dictated more by Thai than by Polish - we aren't shifting from อาดัม.  For 'Mickiewicz' I'm working from a broad transcription as [mit͡s'kʲevit͡ʃ] (IPA), [mit_s"k'evit_S] (X-SAMPA).  The main debate is on how to indicate the stress.  Thai has an iambic stress, and would naturally stress the final syllable.
The indication of tones in transcriptions from non-tonal languages is optional, but they may be used to show the stress. 
When transliterating English, the stress of a word like 'visa' is normally shown by leaving the first syllable with no tone mark, implying the tone contour 33, and marking the second syllable as falling 41.  English monosyllables ending in stop consonants are normally borrowed in the high tone (55).  What marking would be appropriate for a stressed, open Polish syllable?  My feeling is that it should be a high (453) or rising (24) tone.  (The high tone is dependent on the syllable type - some authorities refuse to equate the two, despite the well nigh impossibility of finding a contrasting pair.)  I presume we would also have to fix the tone indication on the final syllable - the default is a high tone (55), but it could be converted to a falling (41) or low (22) tone.
There is a minor debate on how to transcribe <c>.  I am proposing that it be treated as though it were <ts>, as the only Thai affricates are [t_S] (X-SAMPA) (usually used in a pinyin-like fashion for foreign voiced consonants, such as English [d_Z]) and [t_S_h].  The alternative being proposed is actually to transcribe it using a Thai consonant for [k_h]!  (There's a pinyin-like aspect here, too - Thai has no [g].  Thai also lacks syllable-final phonation contrasts, though it has acquired phonologically marginal syllable-final fricatives from English.) 