Re: Meaning of sānu?

From: Bryan Levman
Message: 3958
Date: 2014-11-22

Dear Jim,

I seems to be equating sānu with pattho which is the word for a "wilderness in the forest" (Skt. prastha), often found in the compound vana-prastha which is a "forest situation on elevated or table land" per MW and is also the Sanskrit word for the third āśrama or stage of life, "retiring into the forest, living the life of an anchorite". MW also has sānu as "forest" as one of the meanings

Best wishes,


From: "'Jim Anderson' jimanderson.on@... [palistudy]" <>
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [palistudy] Meaning of sānu?

Dear Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi,

I don't know if this will help. The ṭīkā on Abh 607 has some information on
sānu which I've only just glanced through for the first time. Here's the
passage (should be read with Abh 607):

607. Attani sañjātagandhadabbānaṃ gandhehi loke madayati, modayatīti vā
gandhamādano, yu. Kelāso vutto. Vicittakūṭayuttatāya cittakūṭo. Sukhaṃ
dassanaṃ yassa, yasmiṃ vā sudassano, kāḷavaṇṇakūṭatāya kāḷakūṭo. Tīṇi
kūṭānyassa tikūṭo, chaḷetepi pabbatavisesā. Assa yathāvuttassa pabbatassa
pattho samo bhūmibhāgo sānu nāma, assa vā pabbatassa samāya bhūmiyaṃ pattho
sānu ca bhavantīti ajjhāharitabbaṃ. Patiṭṭhate asminti pattho, ṭhassa tho.
Sana sambhattiyaṃ, ṇu, sambhajīyate sevīyateti sānu, dvepyanitthiyaṃ.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bhikkhu Bodhi venbodhi@... [palistudy]"
To: <>
Sent: November 21, 2014 7:55 PM
Subject: [palistudy] Meaning of sānu?

Dear Pāli Study Friends,

Can anyone identify the meaning of sānu in the description of the
mountain Gandhamādana? Here is a description from the
Sāratthadīpanī-ṭīkā (found elsewhere, with minor differences):

Gandhamādanakūṭaṃ sānumayaṃ abbhantare muggavaṇṇaṃ
kāḷānusāriyādimūlagando candanādisāragandho saralādipheggugandho
lavaṅgāditacagandho kapiṭṭhādipapaṭikagandho sajjādirasagandho
tamālādipattagandho nāgakuṅkumādipupphagandho jātiphalādiphalagandho
sabbathā gandhabhāvato gandhagandhoti imehi dasahi gandhehi ussannaṃ
nānappakāraosadhasañchannaṃ kāḷapakkhauposathadivase ādittamiva
aṅgāraṃ jalantaṃ tiṭṭhati.

PED (as well as SED) define sānu as the ridge of a mountain, but in the
above passage it seems to be a substance of which this specific mountain
is constituted. A search through the Chattha Sangayana Tipitaka does not
turn up any useful references. There is a young man named Sānu, whose
story is told in the Yakkha-samyutta, but this does not seem to be
germane to the present inquiry.

Thanking you in advance.

Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi
Chuang Yen Monastery
2020 Route 301
Carmel NY 10512

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