Dear Yong Peng,

> Each post, I give my best attempt to provide a good rendering. The
last post was even a rework of the previous, as I would also do for
some of the sutta translations, when I believe that I did not get most
of the text right the first time. I am abhorred if that is being
misconstrued as "pretending to understand".
> After this episode, I have decided to take a break for as long as a
year, which I hope to catch up on other stuff. So, I will stop further
postings of the 1st pariccheda for the next twelve months.

I'm sorry to hear this and I apologize for my remarks which were never
meant to offend you or anyone else. I do not entirely share the
criticism that Mahinda and George have raised concerning the progress
of your work on the 1st pariccheda and, in fact, I was agreeing with
you in your responses to the criticism. I think progress is being made
in gaining a better understanding of traditional Pali grammar. I know
you're trying your best and you're to be commended for launching the
Saddaniiti project. I wholehearedly agree that we need to keep it
going in sptie of the obstacles and setbacks.

> Jim, I am grateful for your assistance so far, and I am glad that
you offer to start the 25th pariccheda, which isn't available on CSCD,
meaning that you would have to type out the text.
> I do not have the text, but I like to make an appeal to everyone to
consider helping Jim with the typing.

I think I can do most of the typing. I already have the suttas typed
out and only need to proofread ihem and type in the commentary. In
addition to Smith's edition, I also have the Thai script BBF edition
to work with. There are 241 suttas, not the 249 I mentioned earlier.
The entire kappa takes up 33 pages in Smith's edition which is about
the same no. of pages as the 1st and 2nd pariccheda combined. The
kappa starts off with the definitons of parassapada, attanopada,
purisa, pa.thama, majjhima, and uttama then takes up the uses of the
tenses which should be interesting. I still have a lot more to learn
about Pali grammar and will be dealing with troublesome terms. Well,
let's see how far we can go with the 25th paricched without getting

Best wishes,