Dear Rett, Ole and friends,

thanks, Rett. This is very useful. So, Ven. Narada was right in his

Just to confirm, do we count aa, ii and uu (the long vowels) as one
syllable? Thanks.

Yong Peng.

--- In, rett wrote:

I went looking for more examples of dvandvas (for definition of
dvandva see Warder pg 97) to see if they really are arranged in order
of length by syllable count. Shortest element first, longest last and
so on. In the section of Saddaniiti on pairs (and triads etc) that
form neuter singulars there are 29 examples. I looked at all of them,
and they confirm that the arrangement is in order of increasing
syllable count. If anyone finds counterexamples or further
interesting examples I'd be happy to see them.