Dear Robert, Sumana and friends,

thanks for such a lovely title. This discussion group adopts a open
model, and it is open in the following four ways:

1. All messages are placed in the open archive, and anyone (including
non-members, i.e. the public) can read it anytime, anywhere.

2. Members can post openly on all topics of interest to the group. At
the same time, members are free to raise questions and objections to
any posts, and pursue the discussion further.

3. Unlike many other online groups, many members in this group feel
free to share and discuss openly their personal lives, including
those in academic, monastic, or private research and study.

4. Participants feel free to learn and share according to the amount
of time and effort each is willing to commit. There is no obligation
whatsoever on the part of each member to make any contribution to the
group at all.

For the proper function of this model, we maintain a friendly and
respectful attitude towards others, irregardless of the knowledge and
experience of the participants, and irregardless of the social status
of the participants.

Btw, Sumana, why is there a recent change in name?

Yong Peng.

--- In, paulocuana wrote:

Not only did I not have a specific monk in mind, I also did not have
a specific Western philosopher in mind. Just exchanging ideas. It
was unfortunate that there was a name in the subject line. It was
the subject line of the post I responded to and I wouldn't have
thought to change it since people look to the subject line for
responses to their posts and I don't like to edit what others write.