Hi Alex,

Your Pali JavaScript is very useful.

There's an excellent comprehensive resource on Unicode:
with interesting method:

...you can use styles to specify preferred fonts (and alternatives)
for sections of text in a particular language, by defining a class
in a style sheet like this in the <head> of your file:

<style type="text/css">
.pali {font-family: CN-Times, VU Times, Thryomanes, sanvijjo,
Code2000, Gentium, TITUS Cyberbit Basic, Arial Unicode MS, Tahoma;}

You can then apply the style to any HTML tag in the <body>, and also
specify a language for a section of text:

Latin text followed by <span class="pali" lang="pli">Pali
text</span> and more Latin text.

Unfirtunately this Alan Wood's resource doesn't yet mention Pali
fonts, which cover Latin Extended Additional range:


Latin Extended Additional U+1E00 – U+1EFF (7680–7935)

Windows: Aboriginal Sans, Aboriginal Serif, ALPHABETUM Unicode,
Arabic Typesetting, Arial, Arial Unicode MS, Berling Antiqua,
Bitstream CyberBase, Bitstream CyberBit, Cardo, Caslon, Chrysanthi
Unicode, CN-Arial, CN-Times, Code2000, Courier New, Doulos SIL,
Everson Mono Unicode, Fixedsys Excelsior, Free Monospaced, Free
Serif, Frutiger Linotype, Gandhari Unicode, Gentium, GentiumAlt,
Hindsight Unicode, jGaramond, Khmer OS, Kurdish AllAlphabets,
Legendum, Linux Libertine, MD King KhammuRabi, MgOldTimes UC Pol,
Microsoft Sans Serif, Monospace, MS Reference Sans Serif, MS
Reference Serif, Naqsh, New Athena Unicode (few), Palatino Linotype,
Sanskrit 2003, SImPL, Tahoma, Thryomanes, Tibetan Machine Uni, Times
New Roman, TITUS Cyberbit Basic, UVN Gia Dinh, UVN Giay Trang,
Vusillus Old Face

Macintosh OS 9: Tahoma

Macintosh OS X: Arial, Gentium, GentiumAlt, Lucida Grande, MS
Gothic, MS Mincho, MS PGothic, MS PMincho, Times New Roman, Verdana

Unix: Caslon

Best wishes,