--- In Pali@yahoogroups.com, Piya Tan <libris@...> wrote:
> Bhante & friends,
> I have used the old style classical Fantizi (mainland China uses
> simplified Jiantizi). My gut feeling is that the Fantizi might be
> useful since the Chinese Tripitaka uses it, and modern scholars as
> would be more familiar with it. However, I am not sure if there
are greater
> benefits in using the simplified Jiantizi.

Hello Piya Tan

Great to hear you are finding results already using the Chinese.

I am very far from being an expert, but i understand that basically
all Buddhist scholarship is done using the traditional characters
(Fantizi). Ven Analayo strongly recommends using the Dr Eye
software, which he says makes reading the agamas in
Chinese 'kindergarten'. There is a specific Buddhist Chinese upgrade
for this which he has and is sending to me. Do you want it? I can
find out details for you, though i don't have them to hand. I am
still working on the Rosetta basic Chinese (ni hao ma?).

I just received an email from the Thai group, associated with
Culalongkorn Uni, who have completed (but not yet published) the
first critical edition of the Pali canon. Now they are talking about
a 'world tipitaka': a full digital architecture for all Buddhist
scriptures in all languages. Wow! I'll give you more info as i find
out about it.

in Dhamma

Bhante Sujato