Pali - Every few days - [B056]
Gair/Karunatillake - Chapter 4 � Readings
Ex. 3. (Part 5 of 5)

Ratiyaa jaayatii soko - ratiyaa jaayatii bhaya.m;
Ratiyaa vippamuttassa - n�atthi soko, kuto bhaya.m?
Sorrow arises from attachment, as does fear;
For one who is freed from attachment, there is no
sorrow, and where is fear?

Kaamato jaayatii soko - kaamato jaayatii bhaya.m;
Kaamato vippamuttassa, n�atthi soko, kuto bhaya.m?
Sorrow arises from lust, as does fear;
For one who is freed from lust, there is no sorrow,
and where is fear?

Ta.nhaaya jaayatii soko - ta.nhaaya jaayatii bhaya.m;
Ta.nhaaya vippamuttassa - n�atthi soko, kuto bhaya.m?
Sorrow arises from craving, as does fear;
For one who is freed from craving, there is no sorrow,
and where is fear?

(Dhp. 16:214-216)


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