No way! It is marked by the thematic vowel which shows alternations that
hit only the thematic vowel and so must have operated in a period in which
the stem-final position of that vowel mattered phonetically. That must be
older than practically everything else we know. It is also sensitive to
the voicing of the following segment, which other e and o vowels are not,
so it just can't be a newcomer to PIE phonology. Its roots run deep, so
deep in fact that the discussion whether is has been given up in Anatolian
or was never created in that branch is found to be rediculously simply.
There is no way it can be so young, so the subjunctive has been lost
where we don't find it retained.


On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Rob H wrote:

> Wasn't the subjunctive formed rather late?
> - Rob
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