>Winkin' back atcha, Gerry.
Here's mud in your eye! Glennie.

>Yes, however the location I'm thinking of is in the area of
>southern Asia or the

As I tried explaining to you Glennie, the so called Neanderthals lived in lots of places other than the Middle-East or southern Asia.  And the time frame of 40-60,000 years ago just doesn't fit with present dates for "Neanderthal".  Don't you remember:
"The first people who look like Neanderthals appear about 300 to 230,000 years ago with evidence from the sites of Atapuerca (Spain), Ehringsdorf (Germany) and Biache-Saint-Vaast (France). They apparently evolved in Europe from earlier populations of Homo heidelbergensis (Archaic Homo Sapiens) before spreading to western Asia and the Levant at the beginning of the Last Glaciation, some 75,000 years ago."
Trying to resolve linguistics with paleontology is really tricky.  Placing the location (southern Asia or the Middle East) with a date (40-60,000) has just about been pooh-poohed by the evidence.  Besides, Neanderthals didn't even spread to western Asia and the Levant until the beginning of the Last Glaciation.
>Read carefully. I was speaking of Nostratic. At any rate I feel that
>Dene-Asiatic had word class prefixes
and that Nostratic had lost
>them while still retaining
QUESTION-- What do you mean by "word class prefixes"?  Does this mean prefixes that designate worker from scribe from king and his entourage?  Was there also a prefix for the term "slave"?