I may as well try to better qualify the questions I posed lest
you think me mad... or more mad than I already am, that is :)
Here's more.

*ka":la "tongue"
The reason why I'm thinking about this word being a monosyllabic
stem is because, according to Starostin's database, there doesn't
appear to be much attestation of this form on its own. There are
always extra suffixes attached to it:

Turkic *kele-
OTurkic /kele-c^u"/
Chuvash /kele-/ "to speak"

Mongolic *kele-n
MMong /kele(n)/
Khalkha /xel/
Kalmuck /keln/
Monguor /kile/
Dagur /xeli/

Tungus *xil-Nu"
Negidal /in'Ni/
Manzhu: /ileNgu/
Nanai /s'irmu, siNmu/
Ulcha: /sin'u/
Orok /sinu/
Zhurzhen /hileNNu/
Even /ienN�/
Evenki /inNi/

Korean kalo-dwe

The obvious question is "Is the final vowel *-a only there
euphonically, simply to connect suffixes to a stem *ka":l?"...
Or has Starostin supplied bad data?

gLeNny gEe
...wEbDeVEr gOne bEsErK!

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