In Proto-language’s web, where is a “Nostratic
Dictionary – Part One, Two and Three”, Patrick C. Ryan


Nostratic i = Indo-European i, e
Nostratic e = Indo-European e
Nostratic 6 = Indo-European e, a, 6
Nostratic a = Indo-European a, o, 6
Nostratic u = Indo-European u, o
Nostratic o = Indo-European o


“And to suggest that Nostratic 6 can result in
Indo-European a, o, and 6 is, in my opinion, only an
attempt to make questionable cognates correspond (is
there even an Indo-European 6 that is not a reduction
of a "laryngeal"?). One might ask: why not Nostratic 6
= Indo-European e as well if close 6 can apparently
appear as open a/o?”

Well, we can see that Bomhard DO NOT SUGGEST that
Nostratic *6 can result in IE *a, *o and *6. Bomhard
suggest that Nostratic *6 can result in IE *a, *e and
*6. Bomhard say that Nostratic *a can result in IE *a,
*o and *6, not *a, *e, *6.

Now, I have a question for you, Mr. Patrik C. Ryan:


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