Konungr spyrr nú, hvárt hann kann nokkut fleiri slagi, en hann segir eftir vera nokkura smáleika ok bað fólkit hvílast fyrst. 

The king now asks, whether he somewhat more tacked, but he says after (to) be somewhat a trifling game and asked the people to take a rest first.

Settust menn nú til drykkju. 

Men now seated themselves for drink.

Sló hann þar Gýgjarslag ok Drömbuð ok Hjarrandahljóð. 

He played there Gygjarslag and Drombud and Hjarrandahljog (musical instruments).

Því næst kom inn Óðins minni. 

Next came inside Odin's toast.

Þá lauk Sigurðr upp hörpunni. 

Then Sigurdr took up the harp.

Hún var svá stór, at maðr mátti standa réttr í maganum á henni; hún var öll sem á gull sæi. 

It was so large, that a man could stand upright in its stomach (i.e., middle); it was as gold would be seen.

Þar tók hann upp hvíta glófa gullsaumaða. 

There he picked up a white glove, embroideded with gold.

Hann sló nú þann slag, sem Faldafeykir heitir, ok stukku þá faldarnir af konunum, ok léku þeir fyrir ofan þvertréin. 

He now played a tune, which is called Faldafeykir, and then the hoods flew off the women, and they waved back and forth below the cross-tree.     (Z. falda-feykir, m. a magical dance in which the hoods (faldar) flew off the ladies’ heads)

Stukku þá upp konurnar ok allir menninir, ok engi hlutr var þá sá, at kyrr þoldi.

Then the women and all the men leapt up, and no matter was then that, that quiet was endured.

En er þetta minni var af gengit, kom inn þat minni, er signat var Freyju, ok átti þat síðast at drekka. 

ANd when this toast had departed, then the toast entered, whose dedication was to Freya, and (one) had to drink to the last one.

Tók Sigurðr þá þann streng, er lá um þvera strengina, ok bað konung búast við Rammaslag. 

Sigurdr then took that string, which lay across the transverse strings, and asked the king to get ready by Rammaslag.

En konungi brá svá við, at hann stökk upp ok svá brúðguminn ok brúðrin, ok léku nú engir vakrara en þau, ok gekk þessu langa stund. 

And/but the king so moved quickly, that he leapt up, and so (did) the bridegroom and bride, and they now played no one more nimbly than they, and this went on a long while.

Smiðr tók nú í hönd brúðinni ok lék allra vakrast. 

Smidr now took the bride in hand and danced all the most nimbly.

Hann tók borðbúnað af stólnum ok kastaði upp í sængina, þegar hann sá sér færi á.

He took the dishes and utensils from the tables and threw (them) up into the bed, he immediately saw himself moved there. (?)

En frá Herrauði er þat at segja, at hann lætr menn sína meiða öll þau skip, sem með sjónum váru, svá at ekki var sjófært. 

And concerning Herraudr it is said that he let his men destroy all the ships, which were by the sea, so that it was not seaworthy.

Suma hafði hann heima í borginni, ok báru þeir til sjóvar gull ok gersemar, er Smiðr hafði lagit þeim til handargagns. 

He had some at home in the fort, and they took to the sea gold and treasures, which Smidr had contributed to them for submission.

Var nú mjök húmat. 

It had now grown very dusk.

Sumir váru uppi á höllunni ok skynjuðu, hvat inni var, ok drógu út um gluggann þat, sem upp var kastat í sængina, en sumir færðu til skipa ok sneru stöfnum frá landi.

Some were up in the halls and perceived what was inside, and pulled out around that window, where it was thrown in the bed, and some went to the ship and prow turned from land.

13. Brúðarrán.

The Robbery of the Bride

Þat berr nú til nýlundu, at þá þeir léku sem glaðast í höllunni, at maðr gekk inn í höllina. 

That brings (?) (us) now to a new strange thing, that then they played as most glad in the halls, that a man went inside to the halls.

Sá var mikill vexti ok fríðr sýnum. 

That one was large in stature and looked peaceful.

Hann var í rauðum skarlatskyrtli ok silfrbelti um sik ok gullhlað um enni.

He was in a red scarlet-tunic and a silver belt around him and goldlace around (his) forehead.