Sakna þeir nú vinar í stað ok taka nú ráðagerðir sínar, ok sótti Bósi föður
sinn at ráðum, en hann sagði, at þeir mundu verða of seinir, ef þeir söfnuðu
liði miklu, ok því sagði hann, at þeir mundu heldr ná konungsdóttur með
djúpsettum ráðum ok snörum atburðum, ok var nú þetta ráðit, at þeir bjuggu
eitt skip ok á þrjá tigi manna.
They feel the loss now of friends at once and now take up their plans and
Bosi asked his father for advice and he said that they would be too late if
they assembled a large force and at that said he, that they would rather
reach the king’s daughter with deep laid plans and a turnabout attack?? and
it was now decided that they ready one ship and on it thirty men.

Smiðr skyldi nú fara með þeim ok hafa alla forsögn um þeira ferð.
Smidr should now go with them and have all superintendence about their

Karl lagði þeim mörg ráð ok þau Busla.
The old man gave them much advice and also Busla.

Sigldu þeir nú, þegar þeir váru búnir.
They sailed now as soon as they were ready.

Smiðr hafði byr ávallt, þá er hann stýrði, ok varð þeira ferð með meira
flýti en líkendi mundi á þykkja, ok kómu þeir nú vánum bráðara austr á
Glæsivöllu ok lögðu skipi sínu undir einn eyðiskóg.
Smidr had always a good breeze, then when he steered, and their journey
became more speedy than would seem likely and they arrived now much sooner
east to Glaesivellir and laid the ship below a certain uninhabited forest.

Smiðr hafi hulinshjálm yfir skipi þeira.
Smidr had a hiding helmet over their ship.

Þeir gengu á land upp Herrauðr ok Bósi.
They, Herraudr and Bosi, went up ashore.

Þeir kómu at húsabæ litlum ok kyrfiligum.
They came to a little and humble farmhouse.

Þar bjó karl ok kerling.
There lived an old man and an old woman.

Þau áttu dóttur væna ok vel kunnandi.
They had a beautiful and very knowledgeable daughter.

Bóndi bauð þeim nætrgreiða; þat þágu þeir.
The farmer offered them overnight accommodations; they accepted.

Þar váru góð hýbýli.
There was a good household.

Þeim var unninn góðr beini, ok váru tekin upp borð ok gefit mungát at
They were shown good hospitality, and the table was taken up and given ale
to drink.

Bóndi var fálátr ok óspurull.
The farmer was reserved and not inquisitive.

Bóndadóttir var þar mannúðigust, ok skenkti hún gestum.
The farmer’s daughter was affable and she served the guests drinks.

Bósi var glaðkátr ok gerði henni smáglingrur; hún gerði honum ok svá í móti.
Bosi was merrily glad and did to her small ??; she did him also in return.

Um kveldit var þeim fylgt at sofa, en þegar at ljós var slokit, þá kom
Bögu-Bósi þar, sem bóndadóttir lá, ok lyfti klæði af henni.
During the evening they were guided to sleep and as soon as the light was
quenched, then came Bogu-Bosi there, where the farmer’s daughter lay and
lifted the (bed) clothes from her.

Hún spurði, hvat þar væri, en Bögu-Bósi sagði til sín.
She asked what was there and Bogu Bosi said it was he.

"Hvat viltu hingat?" sagði hún.
“What do you want hither?” she said.

"Ek vil brynna fola mínum í vínkeldu þinni," sagði hann.
“I want to water my foal in your wine-well,” said he.

"Mun þat hægt vera, maðr minn?" sagði hún; "eigi er hann vanr þvílíkum
brunnhúsum, sem ek hefi."
“Will that be convenient, my man?” said she; “He is not accustomed to such
like spring houses as I have.”

"Ek skal leiða hann at fram," sagði hann, "ok hrinda honum á kaf, ef hann
vill eigi öðruvísi drekka."
“I shall lead him forward to (it),” said he, “and thrust him to a dive, if
he will not otherwise drink.”

"Hvar er folinn þinn, hjartavinrinn minn?" sagði hún.
“Where is your foal, my heart’s friend?” said she.

"Á millum fóta mér, ástin mín," kvað hann, "ok tak þú á honum ok þó kyrrt,
því at hann er mjök styggr."
“Between my legs, my love,” said he, and you take him and thus quiet because
he is very shy.”

Grace Hatton
Hawley, PA