Brian will be able to give you a better answer than I can, but I am replying in case he doesn't see this until later. Also, Brian or anyone else, please correct me if I have gone wrong at any points in my explanation.

Yes, I took "Hvað" as the interrogative "What." One trick I often use is to search the Modern Icelandic dictionary, which identifies those words with modern spellings that I can't find in Zoega.

I took "Nokkura" to mean some or several. This word doesn't show up in the Modern Icelandic dictionary. I found it in Zoega as nökkurr.

"Mundu" is "would." See Zoega "munu," but note the entry for the past tense as "would." This is a very common auxiliary verb, so it's worth making a note of.

"kveldið" should be "the evening." In other words, the change comes from the neuter definite article as a suffix.

And I will defer to Brian to talk about the "u" mutation. This is something I need to learn better myself.


--- In, "elliot.holland@..." <elliot.holland@...> wrote:
> Here are some questions for the next selected sentences if you could get to them before Monday.
> •I cannot find the translation for Hvað. I know it´s an interrogative pronoun, i´m thinking "what" based on "hvaða," and I'm sure it's just a spelling difference that makes me not able to find it. Which entry should I look under to find the definition?
> •Nokkura means any? or could you point me toward the definition? I am trying to change it from masc. pl. dat to mas. sing. nom. in order to find it in the dictionary, but am not sure how it declines. Like an adjective, but I don't see any "ra" endings.
> •I am finding many different definitions of "Mund" "Mundr" and "Munda", so I'm not sure about the part of speech, given the position after the object.
> •I can´t find how "kveld" is declined to make "kveldið"
> •One more, pretty off-topic question: I've read that there is sometimes a "u" mutation where the letter u does not occur in the following syllable. is this something that I am seeing in the Declension of "barn" in the Nom. plural?
> --- In, "rob13567" <nielsenjava@> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Bolli segir þá: "Hvað er nú Snorri?
> >
> > Síðan reið Snorri í Hjarðarholt með nokkura menn.
> >
> > Halldór tók vel við honum….
> >
> > Halldór … bauð honum þar að vera.
> >
> > Snorri kvaðst heim mundu ríða um kveldið ….
> >
> > Síðan taka þeir tal….
> >
> > …lýsir Snorri yfir erindum sínum….
> >