> Þórólfi bægifót líkaði stórilla við Arnkel er þrælarnir
> voru drepnir og beiddi bóta fyrir en Arnkell synjaði
> þverlega að gjalda fyrir þá nokkurn pening.

> Thorolf "lamefoot" very much disliked Arnkel whose thralls
> were slain and asked for an atonement, but Arnkell refused
> to pay for them not a penny.

> Thorolf lame-foot was exceedingly displeased with Arnkell
> when the thralls were slain and asked compensation for
> (them) but Arnkell flatly refused to pay a single penny
> for them.

Þórólf bægifót ['lame-foot'] was greatly displeased with
Arnkel when the thralls were killed and asked for
compensation, but Arnkel flatly refused to pay a single
penny for them.

> Líkaði Þórólfi nú verr en áður.

> Thorolf was worse pleased than before.

> Thorolf was now (even) less pleased than before. (worse
> pleased)

Þórólf was now worse pleased than before.

> Það var einn dag að Þórólfur reið út til Helgafells að
> finna Snorra goða og bauð Snorri honum þar að vera en
> Þórólfur kvaðst eigi þurfa að eta mat hans "er eg því hér
> kominn að eg vil að þú réttir hlut minn því að eg kalla
> þig héraðshöfðinja og skyldan að rétta þeirra manna hlut
> er áður eru vanhluta."

> It was one day that Thorolfr rode out to Helgafell to meet
> chieftain Snorri and Snorri invited him to stay there, but
> Thorolfr said for himself not to want to eat his food
> "that I have come here that I want that you hand over my
> share because I call you the chief of the district and the
> duty to put right man's share which otherwise are unfairly
> dealt with." (Z. vanhluta – unfairly dealt with)

> It was one day that Thorolf rode out to Helgafell to meet
> Chieftain Snorri and Snorri asked him to stay there, but
> Thorolf said he need not eat his food “when I have come
> here that I want that you redress my issue because I call
> you district chieftain and duty bound to redress issues of
> those men who are previously unfairly dealt with.”

One day Þórólf rode out to Helgafell to visit Snorri goði,
and Snorri invited him to stay there, but Þórólf said that
he had no need to eat his food; ‘I have come here because I
want you to redress my lot, because I call you district
chieftain and obliged to redress those people’s lots who
are previously unfairly dealt with.’

The modern language uses <er> as the first person singular
indicative of <vera>: <ég er>; in the versions that I have
using more traditional ON spellings, the first quoted word
is <em>.

> "Fyrir hverjum liggur hlutur þinn undir, bóndi?" sagði
> Snorri.

> "For what share belongs to you, farmer?" said Snorri.

> “Who worsted you, yeoman?” said Snorri.

‘By whom were you worsted, yeoman?’ said Snorri.

> "Fyrir Arnkatli syni mínum," segir Þórólfur.
> "For Arnkatl, my son," says Thorolfr.
> “Arnkell , my son,” says Thorolf.

‘By Arnkel, my son,’ says Þórólf.

> Snorri mælti: "Það skaltu eigi kæra því að þér á svo hver
> hlutur að þykja sem honum því að hann er betri maður en
> þú."

> Snorri said: "You shall not make it a charge because to
> you at so what share to think as to him because he is a
> better man you you."

> Snorri spoke, “You shall not complain (of) it because you
> are obliged to think as he in such cases? because he is a
> better man than you.”

Snorri said: ‘You shall not complain of that, because each
thing must seem so to you as to him, for he is a better man
than you.’

> "Þann veg er eigi," segir hann, "því að hann veitir mér nú
> mestan ágang.

> `That is not a way." He says, "because he gives me now a
> great annoyance.

> “That way is not (possible?),” says he, “because he gives
> me the most aggression.

‘[It] is not that way,’ he says, ‘for he gives me
now {the} greatest annoyance.

> Vil eg nú gerast vinur þinn fullkominn, Snorri, en þú tak
> við eftirmálum um þræla mína er Arnkell hefir drepa látið
> og mun eg eigi mæla mér allar bæturnar."

> I want now to become your perfect friend, Snorri, and you
> receive the case of a person slain concerning my thralls
> which Arnkell has caused to kill and I will not speak more
> of all atonements."

> I want now to become your complete friend, Snorri, and you
> take up the case regarding my thralls who Arnkell had
> killed and I will not claim for myself all the
> compensation.”

I wish now to become your complete friend, Snorri, and you
take [imperative] up [the] action on behalf of my thralls
whom Arnkel has had killed, and I will not claim for myself
the whole weregild.’

> Snorri svarar: "Eigi vil eg ganga í deilu með ykkur
> feðgum."

> Snorri answers: "I will not go in a disagreement with you,
> father and son."

> Snorri answers, “I don’t want to go into dealings between
> you (two), father and son.”

Snorri answers: ‘I will not enter into the disagreement
between you and your son.’

> Þórólfur svarar: "Engi ertu vinur Arnkels.
> Thorolfr answers: "You are no friend of Arnkel's.
> Thorolf answers, “You are not a friend of Arnkell.

Þórólf answers: ‘You are no friend of Arnkel.

> En það kann vera að þér þyki eg féglöggur en nú skal eigi
> það.

> And it can be that you think I (am) a close-handed
> (person), but that shall not.

> And it may be that you think I (am) close-handed, but now
> it shall not (be so).

And it may be that I seem stingy to you, but now that shall
not [be the case].

> Eg veit," sagði hann, "að þú vilt eiga Krákunes og skóginn
> með er mest gersemi er hér í sveit.

> I know," he said, "that you wanted to own Krakunes and the
> forest with which most is a treasure here in the district.

> I know,” said he, “ that you want to own Krakuness and the
> forest with it is the greatest treasure which (is) here in
> (the) district.

I know,’ he said, ‘that you want to own Krákunes and with
[it] the wood, which is [the] greatest treasure here in
[the] district.

The first <er> is the relative particle; the second is the
verb 'is'.

> Nú mun eg þetta allt handsala þér en þú mæl eftir þræla
> mína og fylg því svo skörulega að þú vaxir af en þeir
> þykist ofgert hafa er mig svívirtu.

> I will now confirm with a handshake all this to you, but
> you take up the prosecution in the case of my slain
> thralls and side with that so notably that you grow from
> and they are thought to have done wrong when you dishonor
> me.

> Now I will turn all that over to you and you speak for my
> thralls and pursue it so manfully that you increase (in
> stature) from (it)and they think to have ?? when dishonour
> ( is done?) to me.

Now I will turn all this over to you, and you take
[imperative] up the prosecution for [the killing of] my
thralls and pursue [imp.] it with such authority that you
grow in reputation thereby, and they who dishonored me think
themselves to have done too much ['overdone'].

In other words, they will realize that it would have been
better not to have taken the actions that (he thinks)
dishonored him.

> Vil eg og engum manni hlífa láta þeim er hér hafa hlut í
> átt hvort sem hann er meiri eða minni minn vandamaður."

> I also want no man to cause to protect them who have a
> part here in having whether as he is more or reminds my
> relation."

> I want also no man allowed spared who here had a part in a
> family whether he is more or less my relative.”

I also want no man to be spared of those who have had a part
in [it] here, whether he is more or less my kinsman or
friend [etymologically 'one to whom I have an obligation']’.

> Snorri þóttist mjög þurfa skóginn.
> Snorri was thought to much need the forest.
> Snorri thought he needed the forest badly.

Snorri thought himself much in need of the wood.

> Og er svo sagt að hann tók handsölum á landinu og tók við
> eftirmáli þrælanna.

> And it is so said that he took a handshake for the land
> and received the case against the slaying of the thralls.

> And it is so said that he accepted the handshake for the
> land and accepted the prosecution for the thralls.

And it is said that he assumed possession of the land by
handsel and took up [the] action on behalf of the thralls.

<Taka (við) handsǫlum á e-u> is 'to assume/acquire/take up
something by handsel'.

> Reið Þórólfur síðan heim og undi vel við en þetta mæltist
> lítt fyrir af öðrum mönnum.

> Thorolfr then rode home and was well satisfied with this
> speaking little from other men.

> Thorolf rode then home and ? (vinda?) well with (this
> agreement) and this was spoken of little of by other
> people.

After that Þórólf rode home and was content, but this was
spoken poorly of by other people.

Grace: The verb is <una> Z3.

> Um vorið lét Snorri búa mál til Þórsnessþings á hendur
> Arnkatli um þræladrápið.

> During the spring, Snorri caused to move the case to
> Thornessthing to Arnkatl's hands concerning the thrall
> killing.

> During the spring Snorri had a case prepared for the
> Thorsness Thing against Arnkell regarding the slaying of
> the thralls.

In the spring Snorri had a suit against Arnkel for the
killing of the thralls prepared for the Þórsnes þing.

> Fjölmenntu þeir báðir til þingsins og hélt Snorri fram
> málum.

> Many people, they both (went) to the Thing and restrained
> Snorri from the case.

> They both (had) many people at the Thing and Snorri
> supported the case.

They both came to the þing with many people, and Snorri
advanced [the] suit.
