
I am currently working on a story and would like to figure out how to translate a sentence into Old Norse. I have visited the course website and pieced together what I can (I'm short on time, but I'd like to go back and really look at the language course). What I really lack, aside from the ability to write in ON, is the following word:

   Cleanse (meaning purify) - I trolled the internet and come up with two possibilities: hreinsa (which I think means 'to rinse; cleanse') and fægja (which possibly means 'to cleanse; polish')

The conjugation (or at least both forms of):

     Heal (lækna?)
     The word for 'cleanse'

And the correct word for:

     Land (land? - meaning, kingdom or realm)

The sentence, as it stands, is:

     The child shall cleanse the magic and heal the land.

So, what I have thus far (and so very poorly translated) is:

     Kindrinn skal hreinsar fróðleikinn ok hann skal læknar landinn (or bjǫðinn?).

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank you,