39. kafli - Af Kjartani og Bolla
Of Kjartan and Bolli

Það var þá jafnan tíðhjalað í Breiðafjarðardölum um skipti þeirra Hrúts og
Þorleiks að Hrútur
It was then always spoken of much in Broad Fjord Dales about their parting,
Hrut’s and Thorleik, that Hrut

hefði þungt af fengið Kotkatli og sonum hans. Þá mælti Ósvífur til Guðrúnar
og bræðra hennar,
had been given difficulties from Kotkell and his sons. Then Osvif spoke to
Gudrun and her brothers,

bað þau á minnast hvort þá væri betur ráðið að hafa þar lagið sjálfa sig í
hættu við heljarmenn
bade them recall whether they would have been better advised to have there
settled themselves at risk with such accursed fellows

slíka sem þau Kotkell voru.
as they, Kotkell (and company) were.

Guðrún mælti: "Eigi er sá ráðlaus faðir er þinna ráða á kost."
Gudrun spoke, “That one is not without advice, father, when your counsel
(is) a choice.”

Ólafur sat nú í búi sínu með miklum sóma og eru þar allir synir hans heima
og svo Bolli frændi þeirra og fóstbróðir.
Olaf sat now on his farm with great honour and there all his sons were at
home and also their kinsman and foster brother, Bolli.

Kjartan var mjög fyrir sonum Ólafs. Þeir Kjartan og Bolli unnust mest. Fór
Kjartan hvergi þess
Kjartan was the most important son of Olaf. They, Kjartan and Bolli, loved
each other most. Never did Kjartan go (anywhere)

er eigi fylgdi Bolli honum. Kjartan fór oft til Sælingsdalslaugar. Jafnan
bar svo til að Guðrún var
when Bolli did not follow him. Kjartan often went to Sheilings Dale Bath.
It always happened that Gudrun was

að laugu. Þótti Kjartani gott að tala við Guðrúnu því að hún var bæði vitur
og málsnjöll. Það var
at (the) bath. (It) seemed good to Kjartan to talk with Gudrun because she
was both wise and eloquent. It was

allra manna mál að með þeim Kjartani og Guðrúnu þætti vera mest jafnræði
þeirra manna er þá
said by all people that between them, Kjartan and Gudrun (there) seemed to
be most equally matched of those people who grew up then (were of the same

óxu upp. Vinátta var og mikil með þeim Ólafi og Ósvífri og jafnan heimboð og
ekki því minnur
Friendship was also great between them, Olaf and Osvif, and always (there
were) invitations and not the less for? it

að kært gerðist með hinum yngrum mönnum.
became affection between the young people.

Eitt sinn ræddi Ólafur við Kjartan: "Eigi veit eg," segir hann, "hví mér er
jafnan svo hugþungt er
One time Olaf talked with Kjartan, “I don’t know,” says he, “why I am always
so depressed when

þú ferð til Lauga og talar við Guðrúnu. En eigi er það fyrir því að eigi
þætti mér Guðrún fyrir
you go to Baths and talk with Gudrun. But it is not because Gudrun doesn’t
seem to me above

öllum konum öðrum og hún ein er svo kvenna að mér þyki þér fullkosta. Nú er
það hugboð mitt,
all other women, and she alone is of such women that to me seems for you a
good match. Now it is my foreboding

en eigi vil eg þess spá, að vér frændur og Laugamenn berum eigi allsendis
gæfu til um vor skipti."
yet? I wish not to foresee, that we kinsmen and Bathfolk have not luck in
every respect concerning our dealings.”

Kjartan kvaðst eigi vilja gera í mót vilja föður síns, það er hann mætti við
gera, en kvaðst vænta
Kjartan said he would not want to behave against his father’s will, that
which he was able to do, but said he expected

að þetta mundi betur takast en hann gat til. Heldur Kjartan teknum hætti um
ferðir sínar. Fór
that this would happen better than he guessed. Rather Kjartan took? risks?
regarding his journeys.

Bolli jafnan með honum. Líða nú þau misseri.
Bolli always went with him. Now those seasons pass.

40. kafli - Af Ásgeiri æðikoll
Of Asgeir eider?-crown

Ásgeir hét maður og var kallaður æðikollur. Hann bjó að Ásgeirsá í Víðidal.
Hann var son
A man was named Asgeir and was called eider?crown. He lived at Asgeir’s
river in Wide Dale. He was a son

Auðunar skökuls. Hann kom fyrst sinna kynsmanna til Íslands. Hann nam
Víðidal. Annar son
of Audun car-pole (I have no idea what that means). He came first of his
kinsmen to Iceland. He took (land in) Wide Dale. Another son

Auðunar hét Þorgrímur hærukollur. Hann var faðir Ásmundar, föður Grettis.
of Audun was named Thorgrim hoary head. He was father of Asmund, father of

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.