“Es Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson hér á skipi þessu? Eða hvar es hann?” kvað Leia.
“Is Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan’s son here on this ship? Where is he?” said Leia.

“Komtu með mik nú,” segir Lúkr, “Af því at hermenninir monu finna okkr
“Come with me now,” says Luke, “because the warriors will find us quickly.”

Es þau Leia stíga ýr rúmi sínu, stóðu nær margir hermenn þeir es skutu ǫrum
þau. Hafði
When they (Luke and) Leia climb out of her room, nearby stood those many
warriors who shot arrows at them.

Tsiubakka einn mann drepinn, ok boga hans tekinn. Hann skaut ǫrum við, en
fleiri hermenn
Chewbacca had killed one man and taken his bow. He shot arrows with it, but
more warriors

fylgdu þeim es dǭttu fyrr. Skaut Hólmgǫngu-Hani ok ǫrum.
followed thos who dropped before. Duel Han also shot arrows.

“Mér sýnisk,” segir Leia konungsdóttir Hólmgǫngu-Hana, “At þú hefir
undanferð óra hindraða,
“Seems to me,” says Leia, daughter of (the) king to Duel Han, “That you have
hindered our means of escape,

því at eigi fám vér rekizk undan, nema í gegnum dyrr þær, es Stormhermenn
because we cannot escape, unless through that door where Stormtroopers

“Vildirðu heldr sitja í rúmi þínu í dýflissu, konungsdóttir?” spyrr
“Would you rather sit in your room in (the) dungeon, Princess?” asks Duel

“Gjarna þat,” segir Leia, “Heldr an at deyja.”
“That gladly,” says Leia, “Rahter than die.”

En gluggi einn vas í rúmi Leiu konungsdóttur í dýflissu, ok frá glugga má
sjásk sjó, ok Fálkann
But one window was in Princess Leia’s room in (the) dungeon, and from (the)
window one could see (the) sea and Falcon

skipit Hana. En takandi við atgeir þann, es Víga-Óbívan honum gaf, reist
Lúkr á rúnar ok reið á
Han’s ship. And picking up that spear which Slayer Obiwan gave him, Luke
drew runes on (it) and wrote in

blóðinu, en hann kvað þat galdraljóð, es Víga-Óbívan lærði honum, ok fengi
maðr sá es kvað þat
the blood, when he recited that magic spell which Slayer Obiwan taught him,
and that man who recited that

galdraljóð talazk við annan mann, jafnvel þó hverr stœði langt á braut frá
ǫðrum. En at svá
magic spell talked with another man, even though each stood far away from
(the) other. And at such

kveðnu, spyrr hann Artú, sá es stóð á Fálkanum, hvárt hann þekkti aðra
undanferð, es þau Lúkr fengi farna.
R2 asks him, who stood on the Falcon, whether he noticed another means of
escape which they (Leia and) Luke were able to go (through).

Artú svaraði, at hann þekkti øngva aðra undarferð.
R2 answered that he noticed no other means of escape.

Hólmgǫngu-Hani spurði at tíðendum. Lúkr sagði honum frá þessu.
Duel Han asked the news. Luke told him of this.

“En ek fæ eigi alla þá drepna,” segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani, “Hvat skulum vér
“But I am not able to kill them all,” says Duel Han, “What shall we do?”

“Mælisk sjá frjǭlsun eigi vel fyr yðr,” kvað Leia konungsdóttir, “Af því, at
ér kvǭmuð inn, en vissuð eigi, hvé ér kœmið út.”
“This rescue does not speak well for you,” said Princess Leia, “Because ye
come in, but know not how ye come out.”

“Vas ætlunin hans, en eigi mín, konungsdóttir,” segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani
Sólósson, “Ok vilda ek
“(It) was his intention, and not mine, Princess,” says Duel Han Solo’s son,
“And I rather wished I

hafa heldr beðizk á skipi mínu, ok hefða ek vel lifat þar jafnvel þó þú
værir hér drepin.”
had waited on my ship, and I could have (just as) lived there even though
you were slain here.”

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.