Here‘s my translation.




Gestur svarar: "Þarfleysa er að segja það en eigi nenni eg að þegja yfir því
Gestr answers: „(It) is needlessness to say that, but I do not care to keep-silent about that

er á þínum dögum mun fram koma. En ekki kemur mér að óvörum þótt Bolli
which in your days (lifetime) will come about (lit. come forward, ie happen). But (it) comes not upon me unawares (ie it doesn´t suprise me) even-though Bolli

standi yfir höfuðsvörðum Kjartans og hann vinni sér þá og höfuðbana
should-stand over Kjartan´s scalp (ie to have his enemy, Kjartan‘s head in his power, see höfuðsvörðr, Z1) and he (ie Bolli himself) should-gain for himself then also death

og er þetta illt að vita um svo mikla ágætismenn."
and this is bad to know about such great persons (men)-of-excellence.“

Síðan riðu þeir til þings og er kyrrt þingið.
After-that they rode to (the) Thing and the-Thing is quiet (ie bugger all happens).

34. kafli - Af Þorvaldi
Chapter 34 – Of Þorvaldr.

Þorvaldur hét maður son Halldórs Garpsdalsgoða. Hann bjó í Garpsdal í
(There) was a person (man) called Þorvaldr, son of Halldórr Garpsdalr‘s-goði (priest-chieftain). He lived in Garpsdalr (oddly enough) in

Gilsfirði, auðigur maður og engi hetja. Hann bað Guðrúnar Ósvífursdóttur á
Gilsfjörðr (Ravine-Fjord), a wealthy person and (but) no hero. He asked for Guðrún Ósvifr‘s-daughter in marriage at

alþingi þá er hún var fimmtán vetra gömul. Því máli var eigi fjarri tekið en
(the) Althing when she was fifteen winter´s (year‘s) old. (It) was not refused (lit. taken far off) in that matter (proposal) but

þó sagði Ósvífur að það mundi á kostum finna að þau Guðrún voru eigi
nevertheless Ósvifr said that (one) would find that in the terms (of any agreement, kostr, Z2) that they, Guðrún (and Þorvaldr) were not

jafnmenni. Þorvaldur talaði óharðfærlega, kvaðst konu biðja en ekki fjár.
equals (equal-persons, an equal match). Þorvaldr spoke not-harshly (ie gently), declared-of-himself to ask-for a wife but not for property (money).

Síðan var Guðrún föstnuð Þorvaldi og réð Ósvífur einn máldaga og svo var
After-that was Guðrun betrothed (fastened, hitched) to Þorvaldr and Ósvifr alone devised (the) deed-of-agreement and so (it) was

skilt að Guðrún skyldi ein ráða fyrir fé þeirra þegar er þau koma í eina
settled that Guðrún alone should have authority over the property (money, ie hold the purse-strings) when they come into one

rekkju og eiga alls helming hvort er samfarar þeirra væru lengri eða
bed and (should) have half of everything whether their marriage (lit. travelling together) were longer or

skemmri. Hann skyldi og kaupa gripi til handa henni svo að engi jafnfjáð
shorter. He should also buy costly-things (masc acc. pl) for her (lit. into her hands) so that no equally-rich

kona ætti betri gripi en þó mætti hann halda búi sínu fyrir þær sakir.
woman should-have better costly-things but nevertheless he must hold (keep, maintain?) the farm in spite of (fyrir, Z.ii.13) those effects (fem. acc pl) ie the effects of having to buy costly-things, sök,Z4).

Ríða menn nú heim af þingi. Ekki var Guðrún að þessu spurð og heldur gerði hún
Persons (men) ride now home from (the) Thing. Guðrun was not informed of this and (but) rather she adjudged

sér að þessu ógetið og var þó kyrrt. Brúðkaup var í Garpsdal að tvímánuði.
herself in respect of this ill-pleased (lit. not-begotten) and (but) still (it) was quiet (ie again bugger all happened). The wedding-feast was in Garpsdalr after „double-month“ (ie the 5th month of the summer).

Lítt unni Guðrún Þorvaldi og var erfið í gripakaupum. Voru engar gersemar
Guðrún little loved Þorvaldr and was troublesome (extravagant) in (the) purchases-of-costly-things. No costly-things were

svo miklar á Vestfjörðum að Guðrúnu þætti eigi skaplegt að hún ætti en galt
so great in (the) West-Fjords that (it) should-seem to Guðrun not suitable that she have (own, possess) (them) but showed (repaid)

fjandskap Þorvaldi ef hann keypti eigi hversu dýrar sem metnar voru.
ill-will towards Þorvaldr if he did-not buy (them) howsoever (hversu ... sem) expensive (they) were valued (meta).

Þórður Ingunnarson gerði sér dátt við þau Þorvald og Guðrúnu og var þar
Þórðr Ingunn‘s-son made himself familiar with (was, became, friendly with, see dár, Z2) Þorvaldr and Guðrún and was (stayed) there

löngum og féll þar mörg umræða á um kærleika þeirra Þórðar og Guðrúnar. Það
continuously and much talk (umroeða) flowed there about the intimacy of them, Þórðr and Guðrún. That

var eitt sinn að Guðrún beiddi Þorvald gripakaups. Þorvaldur kvað hana ekki
was one time that Guðrún requested Þorvald for a purchase-of-a costly-thing. Þorvaldr declared her (accusitive, direct object) not

hóf að kunna og sló hana kinnhest.
to know (the meaning of) moderation and struck her a slap on the cheek/face (Z has „box-on-the-ear“).

Þá mælti Guðrún: "Nú gafstu mér það er oss konum þykir miklu skipta að vér
Then Guðrún spoke: „Now you have-given to me that which to us women seems to-matter greatly that we

eigum vel að gert en það er litaraft gott og af hefir þú mig ráðið brekvísi við þig."
have well made (ie that we achieve), and that is a good underlying (skin) colour (lit. back of colour) and you have made-me-leave-off (ráða af, Z16) (my) importunate solicitations towards you.

Það sama kveld kom Þórður þar. Guðrún sagði honum þessa svívirðing og spurði hann
That same evening Þórðr came there. Guðrún said to him this dishonour and asked him

hverju hún skyldi þetta launa.
how she should repay this.