At 6:56:09 PM on Monday, December 27, 2010, Paul Hansen

> By the BTW, how is it decided who translates the next
> chapter or sub-chapter when working through a saga? Is it
> first-come, first-to-present?

On Sundays Grace normally posts the next bit of Laxdœla saga
to be translated, and within the next day or two the three
folks who have been taking part independently post their
translations. She and Rob have been working through Jackson
Crawford's 'Tattúínárdœla saga' ('What If Star Wars Were an
Icelandic Saga?') on the same basis, but with the passages
posted on Thursday. (I think that I got the days right; I
didn't actually check.) In both cases I've been coming
along behind to try to sort out the especially tricky bits.

I expect that we'll follow pretty much the same pattern when
we take up againn in mid-January.
