I profited from reading what Grace, Brian, and Alan had written, and put notes in brackets [like this] after I read what they had contributed.  Speaking of contributions, I definitely appreciate Alan's humorous commentaries he puts in from time to time -- as well as the more serious stuff that everyone contributes. 

I started with these translations 3 months ago, and when I began, the texts were very, very confusing.  Over the last 3 months I have put in a lot of hours of study, and I have worked on Old Icelandic almost every day.  Now, 3 months later the texts are only very confusing. :)  I am making progress!  And I know that I wouldn't have put in the time if there hadn't been people reading my posts and offering help.  Thanks to you all!  Rob

Þorsteinn hafði verið kvongaður.

Thorstein had been married.


Kona hans var þá önduð.

His wife was then living.  [Exactly the opposite: she was dead]


Dætur átti hann tvær.

He had two daughters.


Hét önnur Guðríður en önnur Ósk.

One was called Gudrid and the other Osk.


Þorkell trefill átti Guðríði er bjó í Svignaskarði.

Thorkell the Tattered married Gudrid and lived in Svignaskard.


Hann var höfðingi mikill og vitringur.

He was an important leader and (a) wise man.


Hann var Rauða-Bjarnarson.

He was Red-Bjarn's son.


En Ósk dóttir Þorsteins var gefin breiðfirskum manni.

And (but) Thorstein's daughter Osk was given (in marriage) to a man native-to-Broadfirth.


Sá hét Þórarinn.

He was named Thorarin.


Hann var hraustur og vinsæll og var með Þorsteini mági sínum því að Þorsteinn var þá hniginn og þurfti umsýslu þeirra mjög.

He was valiant and much-liked and was with Thorstein his in-law so that Thorstein was then beginning-to-decline and needed very-much their assistance.


Hrappur var flestum mönnum ekki skapfelldur.

Hrapp was to most men not agreeable.


Var hann ágangssamur við nábúa sína.

He was aggressive with his neighbors.


Veik hann á það stundum fyrir þeim að þeim mundi þungbýlt verða í nánd honum ef þeir héldu nokkurn annan fyrir betra mann en hann.

He went to that sometimes before them that they would have troublesome neighbors in his neighborhood if they support some others before better man than he.  (?)  [I see Brian's explanation, which makes a lot more sense….]




En bændur allir tóku eitt ráð, að þeir fóru til Höskulds og sögðu honum sín vandræði.

And (but) all farmers took counsel, that they went to Hoskuld and told him their trouble.




Höskuldur bað sér segja ef Hrappur gerir þeim nokkuð mein "því að hvorki skal hann ræna mig mönnum né fé."

Hoskuld asked them (to) say if Hraupp (would) do them some harm "so that neither shall he rob my men nor my wealth."


11. kafli

Af Þórði godda

Concerning Thord Goddi

Þórður goddi hét maður er bjó í Laxárdal fyrir norðan á.

Thord Goddi was the name of a man who lived in Laxardale north of a river.

Sá bær heitir síðan á Goddastöðum. Hann var auðmaður mikill.

His farm is later called Goddistown.


Hann var auðmaður mikill.

He was a very wealthy-man.


Engi átti hann börn.

He didn't have any children.


Keypt hafði hann jörð þá er hann bjó á.

He had bought land then where he lived.  (Does "á" mean river here?)


Hann var nábúi Hrapps og fékk oft þungt af honum.

He was Hrapp's neighbor and often suffered hard treatment from him.  ("fá þungt af e-m = to suffer hard treatment from; z. þungr)


Höskuldur sá um með honum svo að hann hélt bústað sínum.

Hoskuld took care of him so that he preserved his abode.  (sjá um með e-m = take care of, see to one; Z. sjá 6)


Vigdís hét kona hans og var Ingjaldsdóttir, Ólafssonar feilans.

Vigdis was the name of his wife and was Ingjald's daughter, son of Olaf Feilan.  (doesn't make sense) [….and was daughter of Ingjald, sone of Olaf Feilan]

Bróðurdóttir var hún Þórðar gellis en systurdóttir Þórólfs rauðnefs frá Sauðafelli.

Thordar Gellis was a niece and niece of Thorolf Rednose's from Saudafell.


Þórólfur var hetja mikil og átti góða kosti.

Thorolf was a great hero and had good provisions.


frændur hans gengu þangað jafnan til trausts.

His relatives always went there for help.


Vigdís var meir gefin til fjár en brautargengis.

Vigdis had been more wedded to the money than to her advancement.  (V.C. gefa 1)


Þórður átti þræl þann er út kom með honum.

Thordr had a thrall, the one that came out with him.


Sá hét Ásgautur.

He was named Asgautr.


Hann var mikill maður og gervilegur en þótt hann væri þræll kallaður þá máttu fáir taka hann til jafnaðar við sig þótt frjálsir hétu og vel kunni hann að þjóna sínum meistara.

He was a great man and accomplished he was thought to be a thrall called (?) at that time to be able to take him to equal share (?) with himself  (?) thought (?) was called free (?) and he knew well how to serve his masters.  [Alan's translation makes a lot more sense for this one.]


Fleiri átti Þórður þræla þó að þessi sé einn nefndur.

Thordr had several thralls although (? something about named).  [From Alan's and Grace's translation I see that this was the only thrall who was named.]


Þorbjörn hét maður.

Thorbjorn was the name of a man.


Hann bjó í Laxárdal hið næsta Þórði, upp frá bæ hans, og var kallaður skrjúpur.

He lived in Laxardale just next to Thordr, up from his farm, and was called weak. 


Auðigur var hann að fé.

He was wealthy.


Mest var það í gulli og silfri.

That was most in gold and silver.


Mikill maður var hann vexti og rammur að afli.

He was a big grown man and strong.  [He was a big man in stature and strong.]


Engi var hann veifiskati við alþýðu manns.

He was rather close-fisted to the common man.  (Z. engi veifiskati = rather close fisted)