3. kafli - Af Katli flatnef

Eftir þetta hafði Ketill boð ágætt. Þá gifti hann Þórunni hyrnu dóttur sína
Helga hinum

After that Ketill had an excellent feast. Then he gave his daughter,
Thorunn hyrna, to Helgi the lean,

magra, sem fyrr var ritað. Eftir það býr Ketill ferð sína úr landi vestur um
haf. Unnur

as was previously written. After it, Ketill prepares for his journey from
the land west over the sea. Unn,

dóttir hans fór með honum og margir aðrir frændur hans.

his daughter went with him and many other of his kinsmen.

Synir Ketils héldu það sama sumar til Íslands og Helgi magri mágur þeirra.

Ketill's sons and Helgi the lean, their brother-in-law, steered that same
summer to Iceland. Bjorn

Ketilsson kom skipi sínu vestur í Breiðafjörð og sigldi inn eftir firðinum
og nær hinu

Ketill's son brought his ship west into Breidafjord and sailed in along the
firth and near the

syðra landinu þar til er fjörður skarst inn í landið en fjall hátt stóð á
nesinu fyrir innan

more southern (part) of the land until the fjord stretched in into the land
and a high mountain stood at the headland within

fjörðinn en ey lá skammt frá landinu. Björn segir að þeir mundu eiga þar
dvöl nokkura.

the fjord and an island lay a short (distance) from the land. Bjorn says
that they would be have some short stay there.

Björn gekk á land upp með nokkura menn og reikaði fram með sjónum. Var þar
skammt í

Bjorn went ashore and up with some men and walked forward along the sea.
There was little (distance)

milli fjalls og fjöru. Honum þótti þar byggilegt. Þar fann Björn reknar
öndvegissúlur sínar between the mountains and the shore. It seemed to him
habitable there. There Bjorn found his high-seat-posts driven

í einni vík. Þótti þeim þá á vísað um bústaðinn.

into a certain bay. It seemed then to them to have shown (a good place) for
the farmstead.

Síðan tók Björn sér þar land allt á millum Stafár og Hraunfjarðar og bjó þar
er síðan heitir

Afterwards Bjorn took all land there for himself between Staf River and
Hraun Fjord and lived there which later is called

í Bjarnarhöfn. Hann var kallaður Björn hinn austræni. Hans kona var Gjaflaug

in Bjorn's haven. He was called Bjorn the easterner. His wife was
Gjaflaug, daughter

Kjallaks hins gamla. Þeirra synir voru þeir Óttar og Kjallakur. Hans son var

of Kjallak the elder. Their sons were these, Ottar and Kjallak. His son
was Thorgrim,

faðir Víga-Styrs og Vermundar, en dóttir Kjallaks hét Helga. Hana átti
Vestar á Eyri son

father of Viga Styrs and Vermund, and Kjallak's daughter was named Helga.
She was married to Vester of Eyr, son of

Þórólfs blöðruskalla er nam Eyri. Þeirra son var Þorlákur faðir Steinþórs á

Thorolf bladder-bald who took (land) at Eyr. Their son was Thorlak, father
of Steinthor of Eyr.

Helgi bjólan kom skipi sínu fyrir sunnan land og nam Kjalarnes allt á milli

Helgi bjolan brought his ship in the south of the land and took all of
Keelsness between Kolli's Fjord

og Hvalfjarðar og bjó að Esjubergi til elli. Helgi hinn magri kom skipi sínu
fyrir norðan

and Whale Fjord and lived at Esjaberg to old age. Helgi the lean brought
his ship in the north

land og nam Eyjafjörð allan á milli Sigluness og Reynisness og bjó í
Kristnesi. Frá þeim

of the land and took all of Eyja Firth between Sailsness and Reynisness and
lived at Christness. From them

Helga og Þórunni er komið Eyfirðingakyn.

Helgi and Thorunn are descended the Eyfirth kin.

4. kafli - Enn af Katli flatnef

Ketill flatnefur kom skipi sínu við Skotland og fékk góðar viðtökur af
tignum mönnum,

Ketill flat nose brought his ship to Scotland and had a good reception from
noble men,

því að hann var frægur maður og stórættaður, og buðu honum þann ráðakost þar

because he was a famous man and of noble antecedents, and (they) offered him
then (to live) there on terms there as

hann vildi hafa. Ketill staðfestist þar og annað frændlið hans nema
Þorsteinn dótturson

he wished to have. Ketill took up his abode there and other of his group of
kinsmen except Thorstein, his grandson.

hans. Hann lagðist þegar í hernað og herjaði víða um Skotland og fékk jafnan

He set about harrying at once and harried widely about Scotland and always
was victorious.

Síðan gerði hann sætt við Skota og eignaðist hálft Skotland og varð konungur
yfir. Hann

Afterwards he made a truce with the Scotts and got half of Scotland and
became king over (it). He

átti Þuríði Eyvindardóttur systur Helga hins magra. Skotar héldu eigi lengi
sættina því að

married Thurid, daughter of Evind, sister of Helgi the lean. The Scots did
not hold to the truce for long because

þeir sviku hann í tryggð. Svo segir Ari Þorgilsson hinn fróði um líflát
Þorsteins að hann félli á Katanesi.

they cheated him at (the) truce. So says Ari the learned, Thorgil's son
concerning the death of Thorstein that he fell at Caithness.

Unnur djúpúðga var á Katanesi er Þorsteinn féll, son hennar. Og er hún frá
það að

Unn the deep-minded was at Caithness when Thorstein, her son, fell. And
when she (learned) of that

Þorsteinn var látinn en faðir hennar andaður þá þóttist hún þar enga
uppreist fá mundu.

that Thorstein was dead and her father died, then she thought there no
rebellion would succeed??

Eftir það lætur hún gera knörr í skógi á laun. Og er skipið var algert þá
bjó hún skipið og

After that death she made a cargo ship in the forest secretly. And when the
ship was all finished, then she readied the ship and

hafði auð fjár. Hún hafði í brott með sér allt frændlið sitt það er á lífi
var og þykjast menn

had much wealth (still). She had (got) away with her all her group of
kinsfolk who were alive and (it) seemed to people

varla dæmi til vita að einn kvenmaður hafi komist í brott úr þvílíkum ófriði

scarcely (possible) a tale? to know that one woman had escaped away out of
such like enemies with

jafnmiklu fé og föruneyti. Má af því marka að hún var mikið afbragð annarra

such a great amount of money and fellow travelers. It is possible to infer
from that that she was a great paragon (compared to) other women.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa