Thanks, LN, for sorting that out.
> Þykist eg ekki af því vaxa þótt eg bíði heiman þræla Haralds konungs og
> elti þeir oss af eignum vorum eða þiggja af þeim dauða með öllu."

> It seems to me not from it to grow although I wait at home (as?) King
> Harald's thrall, and they chase us from our possessions or accept from
> them death altogether."

<vaxa> here "grow greater in fame" (Z4). Paraphrasing a bit: "I do not think
that I will grow more famous, even if I wait for King Harald's thralls and
they chase us from our possessions, or I meet my death at their hands."
<þræla> is genitive plural; the verb <bíða> takes a genitive object to
express what is waited for. <heiman> literally "from home", referring to the
thralls setting out from their home to do these dastardly deeds.

In Modern Icelandic, the present subjunctive 1st person sg. would be
<þiggi>, in Old Icelandic <þiggja>, which makes me think perhaps whoever
adapted it to the modern standard spelling overlooked it, thinking it was
the infinitive.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa