It all started coming off the rails for me after they sprinkled the blood
Þann vetur er Andríður bjó fyrstan í Brautarholti andaðist Helgi bjóla. Það
þótti mönnum

That winter when Andrid lived for the first in Roadhold, Helgi bjolan died.
It seemed to people

hinn mesti skaði því að hann var hinn vinsælasti maður.

the greatest loss because he was the most friendly man.

Um vorið skiptu þeir bræður föðurarfi sínum. Hafði Þorgrímur föðurleifð
þeirra og

During the spring those brothers divided their inheritance from their
father. Thorgrim had (the) patrimony and

mannaforráð því að hann var eldri, en Arngrímur útjarðir. Hann reisti bæ við
fjörðinn er

authority of them because he was older and Arngrim, an outlying estate. He
built a farm at the firth which

hann kallaði Saurbæ. Hann fékk borgfirskrar konu er Ólöf hét. Þau gátu tvo
sonu saman

he called Dirt? Farm. He married a woman from Borgar-Fjord district who was
called Olof. They had two sons together

er hétu Helgi og Vakur. Þeir urðu fræknir menn en ekki miklir á vöxt.

who were called Helgi and Vak. They became brave men but not very tall.

Þorgrímur reisti bú um vorið að Hofi. Var það brátt stórkostlegt enda stóðu
margar stoðir

Thorgrim built a farm during the spring at Hof. It was soon in grand style
and besides many pillars stood

undir, vinir og frændur. Gerðist hann héraðsríkur. Hafði hann mannaforráð
allt til

beneath, friends and kinsmen. He became an influence in the district. He
had authority all the way to

Nýjahrauns og kallað er Brundælagoðorð. Hann var kallaður Þorgrímur goði.
Hann var

New Year??? and was called chieftain of Brun (burnt?) Dale. He was called
chieftain Thorgrim. He was

blótmaður mikill. Lét hann reisa hof mikið í túni sínu. Það var hundrað fóta
langt en

a great heathen worshipper. He had a great temple built in his field. It
was a hundred feet long and

sextugt á breidd. Þar skyldu allir menn hoftoll til leggja. Þór var þar mest
tignaður. Þar

sixty in width. There all people should contribute temple toll. Thor was
most honoured there. There

var gert af innar kringlótt svo sem húfa væri. Það var allt tjaldað og
gluggað. Þar stóð Þór

was made round inside thus as a vault would be. It was all ( made with)
windows and (furnished with) hangings. There stood Thor

í miðju og önnur goð á tvær hendur. Frammi fyrir þar stóð stallur með miklum

in the middle and other gods on two sides. Before (them) there stood a
pedestal made with great skill

ger og þiljaður ofan með járni. Þar á skyldi vera eldur sá er aldrei skyldi
slokkna. Það

and covered down with iron. There upon should be that fire which should
never go out.

kölluðu þeir vígðan eld. Á þeim stalli skyldi liggja hringur mikill af
silfri ger. Hann

They called it consecrated fire. On that pedestal should lie a great ring
made of silver.

skyldi hofgoði hafa á hendi til allra mannfunda. Þar að skyldu allir menn
eiða sverja um

(The) temple priest should have it on (his) arm at all meetings. There upon
should all men swear oaths about

kennslumál öll. Á þeim stalli skyldi og standa bolli af kopar mikill. Þar
skyldi í láta blóð

all cases. On that pedestal should also stand a great copper bowl. Therein
should blood be let?

það allt er af því fé yrði er Þór var gefið eða mönnum. Þetta kölluðu þeir
hlaut eða

all that which was from those animals which Thor was given or people. They
called that blood of sacrifice

hlautbolla. Hlautinu skyldi dreifa yfir menn eða fé en fé það sem þar var
gefið til skyldi

or sacrificial bowl. (One?) should sprinkle the blood over people or
animals and those animals which were given there should

hafa til mannfagnaðar þá er blótveislur eru hafðar. En mönnum er þeir
blótuðu skyldi

have for the pleasure of those people who are present? at the sacrificial
feast. And for people when they should be sacrificed

steypa ofan í fen það er úti var hjá dyrunum. Það kölluðu þeir Blótkeldu.
Þau þvertré voru

cast down into that bog which was outside near the door. They called it
Sacrifice bog. They were across

í skálanum að Hofi er verið höfðu í hofinu þá er Ólafur Jónsson lét bregða.
Lét hann þá

in the hall at Hof which had been in the temple then when Olaf Jon's son had
torn down? Then he had

öll kljúfa í sundur og voru þá enn alldigur.

all cleft asunder and then (the ruins?) were still very big.

Þorgrímur lét setja vorþing á Kjalarnesi suður við sjóinn. Enn sér stað
búðanna. Þar

Thorgrim established a spring assembly at Kjalsness south by the sea.
Still (one?) sees places for the booths??? There

skyldi smámál sækja og þau ein til alþingis leggja er þar yrðu eigi sótt eða
stærst væru.

should small cases be prosecuted and those only submitted to the All thing
which there did not become prosecuted or were most difficult.

Þau Þorgrímur og Arndís gátu son saman. Sá hét Þorsteinn. Hann var

They, Thorgrim and Arndis, had a son together. That one was called
Thorstein. He was soon

uppivöðslumaður mikill og þótti allt lágt hjá sér.

a very overbearing man and all seemed to lie near him?????

Kolli bjó í Kollafirði sem fyrr var sagt. Hann fékk þeirrar konu er
Þorgerður hét, dóttur

Kolli lived in Kolli's Firth as was said before. He married that woman who
was called Thorgerd, daughter of

Eilífs úr Eilífsdal. Þau gátu dóttur saman er Ólöf hét. Það var að ágætum
gert hversu

Eilif of Eilif's Dale. They had a daughter together who was called Olof.
It was excellently? done? how

fögur hún var og því var hún kölluð Ólöf hin væna.

fair she was and for that reason was she called Olof the vain.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa