2. kafli

Á ofanverðum dögum Konofogors kom skip í Leiruvog. Þar voru á írskir menn.

Towards the end of the reign of Konofogor, a ship came into Muddy Creek.
Onboard there were Irish men. A man

hét Andríður, ungur og ókvongaður, mikill og sterkur. Þar var á kona sú er
hét Esja, ekkja

was called Andrid, young and unmarried, tall and strong. There was onboard
that woman who was called Esja, widowed

og mjög auðig. Sá maður er nefndur Kolli er þar var á skipi með þeim. Helgi
tók við þeim

and very wealthy. That man is named Kolli who was there on (the) ship with
them. Helgi received them all.

öllum. Kolla setti hann niður í Kollafjörð en með því að Örlygur var gamall
og barnlaus

He settled Kolli in Kolli's Firth and because Orlyg was old and without

þá gaf hann upp land og bú og tók Esja við. Settist hún þá að Esjubergi.
Allir þessir menn

then he gave up land and farm and Esja received (the farm). She settled
then at Esjuberg. All these people

voru kallaðir skírðir en þó var það margra manna mál að Esja væri forn í

were termed baptized but still it (was) said by many people that Esja were
inclined to (witch?) crafty ways.

Andríður fór um veturinn til vistar til Hofs. Var þar þá fóstbræðralag og
með sonum Helga.

Andrid went to Hof on a visit during the winter. There was there foster
brotherhood also with Helgi's son.

Andríður bað Helga fá sér bústað og kvonfang. Hann hafði auð fjár. Þá var
skógi vaxið

Andrid asked Helgi to give him a farmstead and (help with) acquiring a wife.
He had much wealth. Then all Kjalarnes was grown up with forest

allt Kjalarnes svo að þar aðeins var rjóður er menn ruddu til bæja eða vega.
Braut mikil

so that there was only a clearing when men cleared for farms or ways. A
great road

var rudd eftir holtunum frá Hofi. Þangað riðu þeir Helgi og Andríður um

was cleared of woods from Hof. They, Helgi and Andrid rode thither during
the spring.

Og er þeir komu út á holtið þá mælti Helgi: "Hér við eg Andríður," sagði
hann, "gefa þér

And when they came out to? the forest, then Helgi spoke, "Andrid, here I
will (typo?)," said he, "give you

jörð og að þú reisir hér bæ. Mér þykir sem þeir synir mínir vilji að þér
sitjið nær."

ground and that you build a house here. (It) seems to me as (though) they,
my sons, wanted that you settle near by."

Eftir það reisti Andríður bæ í brautinni og kallaði Brautarholt því að
skógurinn var svo

After that Andrid built a farm in the road and called (it) Woods Road
because the forest was so

þykkur að honum þótti allt annað starfameira. Andríður setti þar reisulegt
bú saman.

thick that to him seemed all other (building sites) more troublesome.
Andrid erected an altogether imposing farm there.

Maður hét Þormóður. Hann bjó í Þormóðsdal. Með honum var systir hans er
Þuríður hét.

A man was called Thormod. He lived in Thormod's Dale. With him was his
sister who was called Thurid.

Hún var fríð sýnum og auðig að fé. Þessar konu bað Helgi til handa Andríði
og þessi

She was fair (another typo? að missing? ) of face and rich in wealth. Helgi
asked for this woman on behalf of Andrid and this

konu var honum heitið. Þetta sumar var og heitið Þorgrími Helgasyni Arndísi

woman was promised to him. Also that summer Arndis, daughter of Thord
Skeggjason of Skeggja stead was promised to Thorgrim Helgi's son

Þórðar Skeggjasonar af Skeggjastöðum og voru brullaupin bæði saman að Hofi
og var

and both wedding feasts were together at Hof and were

veitt með hinu mesta kappi. Var þar og allfjölmennt.

given with the greatest enthusiasm. There were great crowds of people (in

Eftir boðið fór Þuríður í Brautarholt og tók við búi fyrir innan stokk. Var
það brátt

After the wedding Thurid went to Woods Road and took along household
(belongings or people?) for inside the house. It was soon

auðsætt að hún var mikill skörungur. Þau höfðu mart ganganda fjár og gekk
allt nær

clear that she was very outstanding. They (the couple) had much livestock
and (the animals) went (subsisted) almost entirely

sjálfala úti í skóginum um nesið. Þetta haust var honum vant kvígu þrevetrar

maintaining themselves out in the forest about the headland. That fall a
dark colored, three-year-old cow went missing to him.

Hún hét Mús. Þessi kvíga fannst þrem vetrum síðar á nesi því er liggur til
vesturs undan

She was called Mus. This cow was found three years later on the headland,
that which lies to the west below

Brautarholti og hafði hún þá með sér tvo dilka, annan veturgamlan en annan

Woods Road and she had then with her two calves, one yearling and one

sumargamlan. Því kölluðu þeir það Músarnes.

that year's calf. For this reason they called it Mus' headland.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa