Well, i know there are some books printed with Old Norse texts on one page and modern Norwegian on the other, just like you explained.
Like this one: <http://www.bokkilden.no/SamboWeb/produkt.do?produktId=71343&rom=MP>

I can't remember seeing a version especially with the Eddas, though, but there ought to be at least some of it in there.
And i expect you don't read Norwegian too well, so this probably won't help you at all. The concept exists, at least. So if you search around, you might be able to find one.

Good luck,

On 11/10/09, orkboyz4000 <orkboyz4000@...> wrote:

I have a version of Beowulf (the version translated by Seamus Heaney) in which one page has the Old English and the other has the modern English. I was wondering if anyone knew of something similar for the Eddas. Thanks.