There were several places that I had problems with and would welcome any


Þeir kváðu hann með nokkuru góðu fara mundu. Dvaldist Hallur þar nokkura
stund, og

They told him some good would go with (his journey??? couldn't figure this
out at all) Hall remained there some time and

áðu. Eftir það tóku þeir hesta sína og riðu á Sólheima um kveldið og voru
þar um nóttina.

rested. After that they caught their horses and rode to Solheim during the
evening and stayed there during the night.

En um daginn eftir riðu þeir í Holt. Þorgeir var úti og svo Kári og menn
þeirra því að þeir

And on the next day they rode to Holt. Thorgeir was outside and also Kari
and their men because they

kenndu ferð Halls. Hann reið í blárri kápu og hafði litla öxi silfurrekna í
hendi. En er þeir

recognized Hall's journey. He rode in a blue, hooded cloak and had a little
silver-mounted axe in hand. And when they

komu í túnið þá gekk Þorgeir í móti þeim og tók Hall af baki og minntust
þeir Kári báðir

came into the meadow then Thorgeir went towards them and took Hall from
(the) back (of his horse) and they, Kari (and Thorgeir) both kissed??

við hann og leiddu hann í milli sín í stofu og settu hann á pall í hásæti og
spurðu hann

him and led him between them into the room and set him on a dais in the high
seat and asked him

margra tíðinda. Var hann þar um nóttina.

much about the news. He stayed there during the night.

Um morguninn eftir vakti Hallur til máls við Þorgeir ef hann vildi sættast
og sagði

During the next morning, Hall awakened to speak with Thorgeir if he wished
to reconcile himself and

hverjar sættir þeir buðu honum og talaði þar um mörgum orðum fögrum og

told each agreement they offered him and spoke there many fair and kindly

Þorgeir svarar: "Kunnigt má þér það vera að eg vildi engum sættum taka við

Thorgeir answers, "It may be known to you that I wished to receive no
settlement with the burners."

"Allt var það annað mál," segir Hallur. "Þér voruð þá vígreiðir. Hafið þér
nú og mikið að gert um mannadráp síðan."

"It was all another time," (That was then; this is now.) says Hall. "You
were then in a war-like mood. You have now also done much about
manslaughter afterwards."

"Svo mun yður þykja," segir Þorgeir, "en hverja sætt bjóðið þér Kára?"

"So will (it) seem to you," says Thorgeir, "but what agreement do you offer
to Kari?"

"Boðin mun honum sættin sú er sæmileg er," segir Hallur, "ef hann vill

"That agreement will be offered to him which is honourable," says Hall, "if
he wants to settle."

Kári mælti: "Þess vil eg biðja þig, Þorgeir vinur, að þú sættist því að þinn
hlutur má ekki verða betri en góður."

Kari spoke, "I want to offer you this, Thorgeir kinsman, that you reconcile
yourself because your chance may not be better than good."

"Illt þykir mér að sættast og skiljast við þig nema þú takir slíka sætt sem
eg tek," segir Þorgeir.

"(It) seems bad to me to reconcile myself and part with you unless you
receive such an agreement as I receive," says Thorgeir.

"Eigi vil eg það," segir Kári, "að sættast. En þó kalla eg nú að við höfum

"I don't want it," says Kari, "to reconcile myself. But still I say now
that we have avenged

brennunnar. En sonar míns kalla eg vera óhefnt og ætla eg mér einum það að
hefna hans slíkt sem eg fæ að gert."

the burners. And my son, I declare to be unavenged and I intend for myself
only that - - to avenge him such as I am able to do.

En Þorgeir vildi eigi fyrr sættast en Kári sagði á ósátt sína ef hann
sættist eigi. Handsalaði

But Thorgeir did not wish to be reconciled before (him) and Kari declared
his displeasure if he did not reconcile.

Þorgeir þá grið Flosa og hans mönnum til sáttarfundarins en Hallur seldi
önnur í móti er

Then Thorgeir made a truce by handshake with Flosi and his men until a peace
meeting and Hall turned over another (agreement) towards?? when

hann hafði tekið af Flosa og Sigfússonum. En áður þeir skildust gaf Þorgeir

he had accepted from Flosi and Sigfuss' sons. But before they parted,
Thorgeir gave Hall

gullhring og skarlatsskikkju en Kári silfurmen og voru á gullkrossar þrír.
Hallur þakkaði

a golden bracelet and a scarlet cloak and Kari (gave) a silver necklace and
three golden crosses were on (it). Hall thanked

þeim vel gjafarnar og reið í braut með hinni mestu sæmd og létti eigi fyrr
en hann kom til

them well for the gifts and rode with the greatest honour and did not stop
before he came to

Svínafells. Tók Flosi vel við honum.

Svinafell. Flosi received him well.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa