And Eyja you have my Vote in this  - I have always understood Æsir to be the Plural and
and for Ás orÁss to be the singular however - I am much in favour of the single s to the double
I hope to be back with the group very soon
-------Original Message-------
Date: 24/03/2009 07:49:12
Subject: Re: [norse_course] ?
Áss (m. sing. nom.) 'god, one of the Æsir'
Æsir (m. pl. nom.) 'gods'


And since there are two groups of gods, there is also...

Vanr (m. sing. nom) 'god, one of the Vanir'
Vanir (m. pl. nom.) 'gods'



On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 1:34 PM, warcharger2000 <warcharger2000@...> wrote:

Ássa or Ása: which one would be the proper pluralization for the term gods,and how does the (ing) or (er) appear at the end of a word.

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