--- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "Patricia" <originalpatricia@...>
> "Hefi eg og aldrei svo reitt vopn að manni að
> eigi hafi við komið."
> May I throw in my two pence Grace - yes it is around three am. and I
> am up late -
> but before I go away from this keyboard may I suggest
> reitt is from reisa - to raise

Right meaning, but the verb is 'reiða', Z6 "(6) to brandish, swing,
raise in the air (hann greip øxina ok reiddi upp)".

> I think my friend Skarpheðin is saying that - "I never raised a
> weapon against a man but I hit him"

Exactly. Or "...without it hitting him". (You've got me thinking of
Vivian Stanshall now: "I never met a man I didn't mutilate" [
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir_Henry_at_Rawlinson_End_(film) ].)

> I think this is not an empty boast.

Indeed. Glad to see you're still following the story, Patricia! This
is one of my (several) favourite bits.