I had a couple of questions, but it seems to be going pretty well. I wasn't
sure what the sailor is getting at towards the end of the passage.
Á einhverju kveldi bar það til tíðinda að manns var vant af liði þeirra og
var það Tyrkir

On a certain evening it happened regarding tidings that a man of their
company was missing and it was Tyrkir, (the) Saxon.

suðurmaður. Leifur kunni því stórilla því að Tyrkir hafði lengi verið með
þeim feðgum

Leif was very displeased because Tyrkir had been with them, father and son,
for a long time

og elskað mjög Leif í barnæsku. Taldi Leifur nú mjög á hendur förunautum
sínum og

and loved Leif very much in childhood. Leif reproached his fellow travelers
much (I wasn't sure whether hendur was from handa the verb or meant at the
hands of)

bjóst til ferðar að leita hans og tólf menn með honum.

and prepared to journey to seek him and twelve men with him.

En er þeir voru skammt komnir frá skála þá gekk Tyrkir í mót þeim og var
honum vel fagnað.

And when they were scarcely come from (the) huts, then Tyrkir walked towards
them and he was well received.

Leifur fann það brátt að fóstra hans var skapgott. Hann var brattleitur og

Leif quickly found that his foster-father was in good natured. He had a
projecting forehead and unsteady eyes

smáskitlegur í andliti, lítill vexti og vesallegur en íþróttamaður á alls
konar hagleik.

insignificant of face, short statured and wretched looking but a skillful
man in all kinds of handicraft.

Þá mælti Leifur til hans: "Hví varstu svo seinn fóstri minn og fráskili

Then Leif spoke to him, "Why were you so late, my foster-father and
separated from the company?"

Hann talaði þá fyrst lengi á þýsku og skaut marga vega augunum og gretti
sig. En þeir

He spoke then first a long time in German and cast (his) eyes in many
directions and frowned. But they

skildu eigi hvað er hann sagði.

did not understand what he said.

Hann mælti þá á norrænu er stund leið: "Eg var genginn eigi miklu lengra en
þið. Kann

Then he spoke in Norse after a while?, "I was not gone much longer than
you. I know

eg nokkur nýnæmi að að segja. Eg fann vínvið og vínber."

some news to tell of (it). I found grape vines and grapes."

"Mun það satt fóstri minn?" kvað Leifur.

"Will it (be) true, my foster-father?" said Leif.

"Að vísu er það satt," kvað hann, "því að eg var þar fæddur er hvorki skorti
vínvið né vínber."

"Certainly it is true," said he, "because I was there eating where neither
is lacking grapevines nor grapes."

Nú sváfu þeir af þá nótt en um morguninn mælti Leifur við háseta sína: "Nú
skal hafa

Now they slept the night from then and during the morning Leif spoke with
his crew, "Now two kinds of work shall proceed

tvennar sýslur fram og skal sinn dag hvort, lesa vínber eða höggva vínvið og

and shall by day betimes either gather grapes or cut grapevines or fell

mörkina svo að það verði farmur til skips míns."

the forest so that it becomes cargo for my ship."

Og þetta var ráðs tekið.

And this plan was taken up.

Svo er sagt að eftirbátur þeirra var fylltur af vínberjum.

So is said that their ship's boat was filled with grapes.

Nú var hogginn farmur á skipið.

Now was hewn cargo for the ship.

Og er vorar þá bjuggust þeir og sigldu burt og gaf Leifur nafn landinu eftir
landkostum og

And then when spring came they readied themselves and sailed away and Leif
gave a name to the land for its qualities and

kallaði Vínland, sigla nú síðan í haf og gaf þeim vel byri þar til er þeir
sáu Grænland og fjöll undir jöklum.

called (it) Vineland, (they) sail now afterwards to sea and on a good breeze
until when they saw Greenland and a mountain under (the) glacier

Þá tók einn maður til máls og mælti við Leif: "Hví stýrir þú svo mjög undir
veður skipinu?"

Then one man took to speaking and spoke with Leif, "Why do you steer the
ship so much under (the) wind?"

Leifur svaraði: "Eg hygg að stjórn minni en þó enn að fleira. Eða hvað sjáið
þér til tíðinda?"

Leif answered, "I keep to my helm but still to more. Or what say you as to

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa