Þeir spyrja þá ef Bjarni vildi að landi láta þar en hann kvaðst eigi það vilja "því að mér líst þetta land ógagnvænlegt."
They asked of Bjarni if he would make land (a landing there) but he declared he did not want to "for it seems to me to be unprofitable"
Nú lögðu þeir eigi segl sitt, halda með landinu fram og sáu að það var eyland,
Now, (i.e.this time) they did not lay (?lower) their sail, but they held to the land (followed the shore) and they saw it was an Island
settu enn stafn við því landi og héldu í haf hinn sama byr.
They turned their stern to the land and sailed to sea on that same breeze
En veður óx í hönd og bað Bjarni þá svipta og eigi sigla meira en bæði dygði vel skipi þeirra og reiða, sigldu nú fjögur dægur.
But then the weather turned against them (í hönd G)and Bjarni told themto reef the sail, and not further/more sail than both the ship (?)could take (I am certain this is a Health and Safety thing but I do not get dygði) they sailed for four days
Þá sáu þeir land hið fjórða. Þá spurðu þeir Bjarna hvort hann ætlaði þetta vera Grænland eða eigi.
Then they saw the fourth land. Then they asked Bjarni if he thought it was Greenland or not
Bjarni svarar: "Þetta er líkast því er mér er sagt frá Grænlandi og hér munum vér að landi halda."
Bjarni replied "This is most like what was told to me of Greenland and here we steer to land" (CHEERS!)
Svo gera þeir og taka land undir einhverju nesi að kveldi dags og var þar bátur á nesinu.
Thus they do and land below a point/Ness in the evening and there was a boat (moored) at the ness
En þar bjó Herjúlfur faðir Bjarna á því nesi og af því hefir
nesið nafn tekið og er síðan kallað Herjúlfsnes
And there lived Herjolf Bjarni's Father at that point from whom it has it's name and is since (ever after) called Herjolf's Ness.
Fór Bjarni nú til föður síns og hættir nú siglingu og er með föður sínum meðan Herjúlfur lifði.
Bjarni now went to his Father, and ceased sailing now and he is with his father while Herjolf lived.
Og síðan bjó hann þar eftir föður sinn.
And afterwards he lived there after his father
[I believe this signifies that he kept his fathers style of life and occupied - i.e. Took Over the Farm]
Það er nú þessu næst að Bjarni Herjúlfsson kom utan af Grænlandi á fund Eiríks jarls og tók jarl við honum vel.
That is now next to tell, that Bjarni Herjolfsson came abroad from Greenland to meet Earl Eirik (who was King hereafter ?) and the Earl received him well
Sagði Bjarni frá ferðum sínum er hann hafði lönd séð
Bjarni told of his Journey and he had seen (other) lands 
og þótti mönnum hann verið hafa óforvitinn er hann hafði
ekki að segja af þeim löndum og fékk hann af því nokkuð ámæli.
and people thought him to have been incurious (?) (lacking interest) when he had nothing to tell of those lands and he was criticised/reproached for that
Bjarni gerðist hirðmaður jarls og fór út til Grænlands um sumarið eftir. 
Bjarni became a follower of the Earl and sailed to Greenland the summer after
Var nú mikil umræða um landaleitan.
Now much was discussed of explorations.
Leifur son Eiríks rauða úr Brattahlíð fór á fund Bjarna Herjúlfssonar og keypti skip að honum
Leif the son of Eirik the Red of Brattahlið went to see Bjarni Herjolfsson and bought a ship from him [from him I believe because Bjarni had given up sailing and would not need it]
og réð til háseta svo að þeir voru hálfur fjórði tugur
manna saman. Leifur bað föður sinn Eirík að hann mundi enn fyrir vera förinni.
and hired a crew of 35 (Z) men all together. Leif asked his Father Eirik if he would want to be on the Journey [ to lead the journey I think he wants Eirik to be in charge]
I could not find one or two words in the dictionary and I tried to see the notes - but could not find dygði - there was dyðg but that was given as Good or Virtuous IIRC.
Any Critique Welcome