Ack, a correction for me too! I should have written:

(Note: there is a printing mistake in CV's etymology. "A.S. latjan"
should read "Ulf. latjan = CRONIZEIN, ana-latjan, ga-latjan =
EGKOPTEIN; A.S. lettan" - with the appropriate Greek letters in place
of my capitals.)

In the original (below), I mistakenly wrote 'letjan' twice where I
should have written 'latjan'.

> (Note: there is a printing mistake in CV's etymology. "A.S. letjan"
> should read "Ulf. letjan = CRONIZEIN, ana-latjan, ga-latjan =
> EGKOPTEIN; A.S. lettan" - with the appropriate Greek letters in place
> of my capitals.)

CV has accidentally left out the Anglo-Saxon cognate, 'lettan', and -
perhaps as a consequence - mistakenly identified the Gothic cognate as
A[nglo]. S[axon].