It looks like Eirik introduces a bunch of new vocabulary and different ways
of expressing things from Njall. Good exercise! Thanks for your help, LN!

> öngvan bústað

"no farm" = 'öngvan' is just an alternative spelling for 'engan',
masculine singular accusative of 'engi'.

> kvað eigi mundu skipta

"said it wouldn't matter"

> kvað hann þar göfgan mundu þykja sem hann væri

"said he would be considered noble as he was" (3rd person past
subjunctive of 'vera' "to be").

> Yxna-Þórissonar

"son of Yxna-Þórir". His nickname 'yxna' is the genitive plural of
'uxi' "ox".

> Dröngum

Nominative 'Drangar' [ ].

> Vatnshorni

Dative singular of Vatnshorn, meaning a corner of the lake.

> Leikskálum

Nominative 'Leikskálar' (cf. skáli "hut, hall, lodge/cabin").

> mæltu eftir hann

Sk. note: "Sought revenge and/or compensation for him."

> Tröðum

Nominative 'Traðir'.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa