There were several places where I got the drift, but didn't really get it
sorted out well.

Og er hann mætir Kol mælti Atli til hans: "Gengur vel klyfjabandið?" segir

And when he met Kol, Atli spoke to him, "Does (the) pack on the horse go
well?" says Atli.

"Það mun þig skipta engu mannfýlan," segir Kolur, "og engan þann er þaðan

"That will (be) no difference to you (Z 4) worthless fellow," says Kol, "
and none this way? which is from there."

Atli mælti: "Það átt þú eftir er erfiðast er, en það er að deyja."

Atli spoke, "You have that later when (it) is most difficult, when it is to

Síðan lagði Atli spjóti til hans og kom á hann miðjan. Kolur sveiflaði til
hans öxi og

Afterwards Atli thrust (Z12) with a spear at him and hit him (in the)
middle. Kol swung at him with an axe and

missti hans. Síðan féll Kolur af baki og dó þegar.

missed him. Afterwards Kol fell from the horse and died at once.

Atli reið þar til er hann fann verkmenn Hallgerðar og mælti: "Farið upp til
hests Kols og

Atli rode until when he met Hallgerd's workmen and spoke, "You go up to Kol'
s horse and

geymið hans. Kolur er fallinn af baki og er hann dauður."

see to him. Kol is fallen off (the) horse and he is dead."

"Hefir þú vegið hann?" sögðu þeir.

"Have you slain him?" they said.

Hann svarar: "Svo mun Hallgerði sýnast sem hann hafi eigi sjálfdauður

He answered, "So (it) will seem to Hallgerd as (if) he has not died by

Síðan reið Atli heim og segir Bergþóru vígið. Hún þakkar honum verk þetta og
orð þau

Afterwards Atli rode home and tells Bergthora of the slaying. She thanks
him for this work and those words

sem hann hafði um haft.

as he had used (Z14).

"Eigi veit eg," segir Atli, "hversu Njáli mun þykja."

"I don't know," says Atli, "how (it) will be thought of by Njal."

"Vel mun hann í höndum hafa," segir hún, "og mun eg segja þér eitt til marks
um að hann

"He will have (it) well in hand," says she, "and I will tell you one (thing)
about proof regarding that he

hefir haft til þings þrælsgjöld þau er vér tókum við fyrra sumar og munu þau
nú koma

has used? at (the) Thing that weregild for a thrall which we received last
summer and that will now come

fyrir Kol. En þó að sættir verði þá skalt þú þó vera var um þig því að
Hallgerður mun

for Kol. But still to become reconciled then shall you still be wary about
yourself because Hallgerd will

engar sættir halda."

never hold (it for) reconciled."

"Vilt þú nokkuð senda mann til Njáls," segir Atli, "að segja honum vígið?"

"Do you wish somewhat to send a man to Njal," says Atli, "to tell him of
(the) slaying?"

"Eigi vil eg það," segir hún. "Mér þætti betur að Kolur væri ógildur."

"I don't want that," says she. "(It) pleases me better that Kol were

Þau hættu þá talinu.

They ceased conversation then.

Hallgerði var sagt víg Kols og ummæli Atla. Hún kvaðst launa skyldu Atla.
Hún sendi

Kol's slaying was told to Hallgerd and Atli's speech. She said of herself
(to have?) a duty to reward Atli. She sent

mann til þings að segja Gunnari víg Kols. Hann svaraði fá og sendi mann að
segja Njáli.

a man to (the) Thing to tell Gunnar of Kol's slaying. He answered little
and sent a man to tell Njal.

Hann svaraði engu.

He didn't answer.

Skarphéðinn mælti: "Miklu eru þrælar aðgerðameiri en fyrr hafa verið. Þeir
flugust þá á

Skarphedinn spoke, "Great are more running amock of the thralls than before
has been. Then they flew at each other

og þótti það ekki saka en nú vilja þeir vegast" og glotti við.

and that seemed not to blame? but now they want to kill each other," and
sneered at (that).

Njáll kippti ofan fésjóðum er uppi var í búðinni og gekk út. Synir hans
gengu með

Njal pulled down (the) money bag which was up in the booth and went outside.
His sons went with

honum. Þeir komu til búðar Gunnars.

him. They came to Gunnar's booth.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa