Whew !! I had no trouble with Hallgerð's nonsense this time Grace, (bless) after Eysteinns  warning that she became a theiving murderous bitch - I was looking out for it - and shall warmly await developments
I am somewhat put-about over this buisiness of the place you have at table - this is a Family Gathering - or is it just Bergthora's time for asserting her authority
35. kafli

Það var siðvenja þeirra Gunnars og Njáls að sinn vetur þá hvor þeirra
heimboð að öðrum og veturgrið fyrir vináttu sakir.
That was their custom of Gunnar and Njal at one's (?refl.poss) winter homefeast or to another and Winter-stay for friendship's sake (I wrestled with the word order - and thought they took turns)
Nú átti Gunnar að þiggja
veturgrið að Njáli og fóru þau Hallgerður til Bergþórshvols.
Now had Gunnar to accept winter-feast with Njal and they went (he with Halgerð) to Bergthor's Knoll
Þá voru þau
Helgi eigi heima. Njáll tók vel við þeim Gunnari. Og þá er þau höfðu þar
verið nokkura hríð kom Helgi heim og Þórhalla kona hans.
Then Helgi (pl, and his Thorhalla) were not at home.
Njal took well with the Gunnars ( made them welcome.) and thenafter a while Helgi came home and his wife Thorhalla 

Þá gekk Bergþóra að pallinum og Þórhalla með henni og mælti Bergþóra til
Hallgerðar: "Þú skalt þoka fyrir konu þessi."
Then went Bergthora (approached) the pall/dais and Thorhalla with her and there spoke Bergthora to Hallgerð "You shall move (give place) to this woman"
(yes she had to say it Alan - in this script - I want to be Bergthora)
Hún svarar: "Hvergi mun eg þoka því að engi hornkerling vil eg vera."
She replied "In no way shall I give place - for (this reason) no old hag in the corner will I be (I see hag here - for the Scot's Dialect carling - an old witch)

"Eg skal hér ráða," sagði Bergþóra.
"I shall here Rule" sadi Bergthora (woman after mine own heart)

Síðan settist Þórhalla niður.
Afterwards - Thorhalla set herself down

Bergþóra gekk að borðinu með handlaugar.
Bergthora went to table with hand-water (for washing)

Hallgerður tók höndina Begþóru og mælti: "Ekki er þó kosta munur með ykkur
Njáli. Þú hefir kartnagl á hverjum fingri en hann er skegglaus."
Hallgerð took the hand of Bergthora and said "There is no difference (to choose) between you and Njal - you have sick nails on each finger and he is beardless.

"Satt er það," sagði Bergþóra, "en hvortgi okkart gefur það öðru að sök. En
eigi var skegglaus Þorvaldur bóndi þinn og réðst þú þó honum bana."
"True it is" said Bergthora "but no way does one fault the other for that, but though not beardless was Thorvald your husband - just the same you ordered his death"

"Fyrir lítið kemur mér," segir Hallgerður, "að eiga þann mann er vaskastur
er á Íslandi ef þú hefnir eigi þessa Gunnar."
"It comes but little to me" says Hallgerð"to have that man who in (all) Iceland is most valiant if you do not avenge this Gunnar"

Hann spratt upp og steig fram yfir borðið og mælti: "Heim mun eg fara og er
það maklegast að þú sennir við heimamenn þína en eigi í annarra manna
híbýlum enda á eg Njáli marga sæmd að launa og mun eg ekki vera eggjanarfífl
He sprang up (to his feet) and stepped over the table and said"I will go home and it is most proper that you chatter/squabble with your servants amd not in another mans house  besides I have so much honour in debt to Njal and I will not be urged on by you.
Alan - my thought was in respect of past friendship and loyalty he "owes" Njal

Síðan fóru þau heim.
Then they went home

"Mun þú það Bergþóra," sagði Hallgerður, "að við skulum eigi skildar."
"you must remember that Bergthora " said Hallgerð "that we shall not be kept apart" (i.e. - we shall meet again)

Bergþóra sagði að ekki skyldi hennar hlutur batna við það.
Bergthora said that her (H's) luck would not improve for it (it would be at a disadvantage to Hallgerð)
 Gunnar lagði ekki
Gunnar did not add anything to (that)
og fór heim til Hlíðarenda og var heima allan þann vetur í gegnum. Líður
nú á sumarið og allt til þings framan.
and went home to Hliðarenda  (high ridge?) and was home all of the Winter.
It passes now to Summer and right forward to Thing-Time