--- "llama_nom" wrote:

> Hmm, tall folk... that reminds me of a comment in the glossary to
> Ralpg O'Connor's "Icelandic Histories and Romances". In the entry for
> dwarves he says, "Ancient sources do not mention their diminutive
> size: later folklore presumably shrank them as it did elves, goblins
> and Irish fairy folk."

Hear, hear! There is actually some evidence that they
may at one time have been thought of as related to the
giants - for example, "áttniðr Suðra" occurs as a kenning
for a giant.

Also, we should keep in mind that "giant" is not a very
good word for "jötunn", as "jötunn" does not mean "huge
person". Do we really think that the "giants" were bigger
than the "gods", for example? Wouldn't the amourous liaisons
of Æsir and "giantesses" be rather awkward, if this were
the case?

Eysteinn ;-)