--- "llama_nom" wrote:

>> Þykist eg nú sjá allt eftir

I wrote too hastily - I now see that this "eftir" can easily
be read in another way. The basic meaning is still "afterwards",
"subsequently", but the sentence can, of course, also mean:

"I think I now see everything AFTER THE FACT", i.e. too late
for it to be of any use.

I had reason to visit the University Bookstore, so I went and
checked the two translations they have there. Both these agree
with this interpretation, thus:

Cook: "Now, after the fact, I see it all".

Bayerschmidt/Hollander: "I believe I see it all - now that it is
too late."

In Modern Icelandic we would say "eftir á" - as in the
advertising slogan: "Þú tryggir ekki eftir á" ("you don't insure
afterwards", i.e. "you can't buy insurance when the accident has
already happened").

Sorry if I misled anyone. Þykkjumk ek nú sjá allt eptir (!).
