Thanks for that - a bundle - LN  I am really glad that I seem to be making a go of it
but I know I am not very literal in my translations - half the time a few of the dictionary
entries do not make sense to me
Thanks again
----- Original Message -----
From: llama_nom
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 10:30 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Njall Chapter 22 part three / Patricia's translation

> ef hann hefði þrek til haft
> If he had had the courage/fortitude

That's right.

> Stefna skal málinu svo að eg heyri á
> The summons must be spoken that I hear it

Yes, the summons must be made so that I hear it / within my hearing.

> Þú skalt þá stefna og skal rangt svo að eigi sé meir en annað hvert
orð rétt.
> you shall the summons (repeat) and shall do it so badly so that
only/ no more than - every second word is correct


> Hann mun segja þér að eigi megi það ónýta.
> He will say to you that nothing was wrong with it

That's the idea: "that won't be ruined/quashed" (i.e. by anyone
finding a loophole in it).