I am getting highly suspicious here - I am beginning to read chunks of it and it is becoming enjoyable reading - trying to keep "literal" and not make it into modern English if often difficult because of reading it and commenting - is irresistible
----- Original Message -----
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 12:33 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Njal last part chapt. 6, beginning of 7
Þá sendi hann mann eftir þeim Hrúti og Höskuldi. Þeir fóru þegar. Og er þeir
komu á fund Marðar stóð hann upp í mót þeim og fagnaði þeim vel og bað þá
sitja. Töluðu þeir lengi og fór tal þeirra vel.
Then sent he a man after them, Hrut and Hoskuld, they came at once. And when they came to (the) meeting Morð stood up  to meet them and greeted them warmly and asked them to sit. They talked long (for a long time) and the talk (converse) went well

Þá mælti Mörður til Hrúts: "Hví þykir dóttur minni svo illt vestur þar?"

Hrútur mælti: "Segi hún til ef hún hefir sakagiftir nokkurar við mig."
Then asks Morð of Hrut "Why does my Daughter seem so unhappy there - in the West"
Hrut spoke "Ask her if she has some accusation ( ?)  of harm with (from) me  (i.e. - let her speak for herself)

En þær urðu engar upp bornar við Hrút. Þá lét Hrútur eftir spyrja nábúa sína
og heimamenn hversu hann gerði til hennar. Þeir báru honum gott vitni og
sögðu hana ráða öllu því er hún vildi.
Then there were not any (Charges)  borne against Hrut then had Hrut - his neighbours and his household questioned / asked  (as to) how he treated her. They bore him good witness and said she had rule over all that she wanted

Mörður mælti: "Heim skalt þú fara og una vel við ráð þitt því að honum ganga
öll vitni betur en þér."
Morð spoke "You shall go home and be content with your lot/plan because to him go all witnesses better than (to) you

Síðan reið Hrútur heim af þingi og kona hans með honum og var nú vel með
þeim um sumarið. En þá er vetraði þá dró til vanda um samfarar þeirra og var
þess verr er meir leið á vorið.
Then rides home Hrut and his wife with him and it was good with them for the Summer, but then the Winter and trouble came to their life together and was worse (worsened) through to Spring
Hrútur átti enn ferð vestur í fjörðu að fjárreiðum sínum og lýsti yfir því
að hann mundi eigi til alþingis ríða. Unnur talaði fátt um. Hrútur fór þá er
hann var til þess búinn.
Hrut had a  journey (to make) to the West Fjords for his money affairs and wished over (made his wish known ??) that he would not ride to the Althing.
Unn spoke/enquired but little of this .  Hrut went (rode off) when he was ready (i.e to go)

7. kafli
Chapter Seven

Nú líður til þings framan. Unnur talaði við Sigmund Össurarson og spurði ef
hann vildi ríða til þings með henni. Hann kveðst eigi ríða mundu ef Hrúti
frænda hans þætti verr.
Now it drew near to the time of the Thing (Z) Unn spoke to Sigmund - Ossur's Son and asked if he would ride to the Thing with Her. He declared that he would not ride if his Kinsman Hrut thought the worse (of it)

"Því kveð eg þig til," segir hún, "að eg á á þér helst vald allra manna."
"I ask you for this reason" says she  "because you hold authority over all the (other) men"

Hann svaraði: "Gera mun eg þér kost á þessu. Þú skalt ríða vestur með mér
aftur og hafa engi undirmál við Hrút eða mig."
He replied "I make a condition with you (for this) you shall return Westwards with me after (at the end of the Thing) and have no secret/underhand dealings against Hrut nor me

Hún hét því. Síðan ríða þau til þings.
She promised this and then they ride to the Thing

Mörður var á þingi, faðir hennar. Hann tók við henni allvel og bað hana vera
í búð sinni meðan þingið væri. Hún gerði svo.
Morð was at the thing - her Father - he received her very well (probably joyfully) amd invited her to stay in his booth while the Thing was on, She did so
Mörður mælti: "Hvað segir þú mér frá Hrúti félaga þínum?"
Morð spoke " What do you (have to)  say to me of your partnership with Hrut

Hún svarar: "Gott má eg frá honum segja það allt er honum er sjálfrátt."
She replied "Good I may say of him on all things (where in) he has control

Mörður varð hljóður við og mælti: "Það býr þér nú í skapi dóttir að þú vilt
að engi viti nema eg og munt þú trúa mér best til úrráða um þitt mál."
Morð was quiet (with that) then spoke, (well he was thinking - what's up now)
"That (which) bears upon your mind daughter that you wish no one to know,
and you trust in me  as best to solve the problem
( it was in Zoega under ór-raða - help / counsel)

Þá gengu þau á tal þar er engir menn heyrðu þeirra viðurmæli
Then went they where no person could hear their conversation
Why I was suspicious was that this one  seemed easy enough and it was a fair task looking up some of the less known words, I am glad Grace  asked for this Saga - it is enjoyable - and it sounds (just a bit) like a Viking Soap Opera ( it comes over in the Episodes) and I think Unn Morðsdottir is a desperate housewife
Also it makes it seem true - the way Morð knows she is holding something back  - Fathers!! they deserve our respect
